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BIS Certification for Ferroalloys Products

25. April 2024

The Ministry of Steel has issued a Quality Control Order (QCO) covering various types of ferroalloys to align with the quality standards specified in Indian standards IS 1110, IS 1170, IS 1171, and IS 1470 for ferrosilicon, ferrochrome, ferromanganese, and silicomanganese, respectively. This order requires manufacturers affected by the QCO to obtain a BIS License under the ISI scheme to ensure their products are eligible for import, sale, and usage in India.

The QCO aims to enhance product quality and foster trust among industries and consumers. It mandates tests for chemical composition, particle size, and extraneous contamination.

For exports to India, manufacturers must acquire BIS certification under the Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme (FMCS) or BIS registration for certain products under the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS). These certifications are essential for the products to be marketed in India, ensuring their quality, safety, and reliability as per Indian Standards (IS).

If you are interested in understanding what requirements are needed for your product to be imported into India, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone (Europe: +49-69-271 37 69 261, US: +1 773 654-2673). There is no cost or obligation for us to check for you. If a certification need is discovered we can provide a quotation to make sure that all your certification needs are covered.

If you have any questions you can also use our chat-window in the bottom right. (Please check your browser settings if you can’t see the window)

For more information about BIS certification, please refer to our free brochure “BIS Certification Made Easy“.

MPR Author

About the author: Louis Gogger is Managing Director of MPR International GmbH
Publisher: MPR International GmbH

Tel.: +49 69 271 37 69 261
