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Department of Telecommunications (DoT)

Das Department of Telecommunications, abgekürzt DoT, ist eine Abteilung des Ministeriums für Kommunikation der indischen Regierung.

Die Telekommunikationsdienste sind weltweit als ein wichtiges Instrument für die sozioökonomische Entwicklung einer Nation anerkannt, und daher wird die Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur als entscheidender Faktor für die Verwirklichung der sozioökonomischen Ziele in Indien betrachtet. Dementsprechend hat das Ministerium für Telekommunikation eine Entwicklungspolitik für das beschleunigte Wachstum der Telekommunikationsdienste formuliert. Das Ministerium ist auch für die Erteilung von Lizenzen für verschiedene Telekommunikationsdienste wie Unified Access Service Internet und VSAT-Dienst zuständig. Die Abteilung ist auch für die Frequenzverwaltung im Bereich der Funkkommunikation in enger Abstimmung mit den internationalen Gremien zuständig. Sie setzt auch die Regulierungsmaßnahmen für den Mobilfunk durch, indem sie die drahtlose Übertragung aller Nutzer im Land überwacht.

Die Kommission für digitale Kommunikation (frühere Telekommunikationskommission)

Die Telekommunikationskommission wurde von der indischen Regierung durch den Beschluss vom 11. April 1989 mit administrativen und finanziellen Befugnissen der indischen Regierung eingerichtet, um sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten der Telekommunikation zu befassen. Die Regierung hat mit Entschließung vom 22. Oktober 2018 die „Telecom Commission“ in die „Digital Communications Commission“ umbenannt.

Die Kommission für digitale Kommunikation ist zuständig für:

Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO)

Die Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) ist in Indien für die Regulierung von Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten zuständig, um deren Sicherheit, Wirksamkeit und Qualität zu gewährleisten. Sie ist zudem für die CDSCO-Zertifizierung von Medizinprodukten zuständig.

Die CDSCO ist dem Ministerium für Gesundheit und Familienwohlfahrt unterstellt und spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Regulierung und Kontrolle von Herstellung, Verkauf und Vertrieb von Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten in Indien.

Zusammen mit den staatlichen Aufsichtsbehörden ist die CDSCO für die Erteilung von Lizenzen für bestimmte spezialisierte Kategorien kritischer Arzneimittel wie Blut und Blutprodukte, intravenöse Flüssigkeiten, Impfstoffe und Sera zuständig.

Zu den wichtigsten Aufgaben der CDSCO gehören:

Arzneimittelzulassungen und -lizensierung: Die CDSCO prüft Anträge auf Zulassung neuer Arzneimittel, Impfstoffe und biologischer Produkte (CDSCO Registrierung). Sie vergibt Lizenzen an Pharmahersteller und stellt sicher, dass die regulatorischen Standards eingehalten werden.

Aufsicht über klinische Versuche: Die Organisation beaufsichtigt und reguliert klinische Studien, die in Indien durchgeführt werden, um ethische Praktiken und die Sicherheit der Teilnehmer zu gewährleisten.

Medikamentenstandards und Qualitätskontrolle: Die CDSCO legt Standards für Arzneimittel fest und hält sie ein, einschließlich der Spezifikationen für pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe (APIs) und fertige Darreichungsformen. Sie führt Qualitätskontrollinspektionen durch, um die Einhaltung dieser Normen zu überprüfen.

Regulierung medizinischer Geräte: CDSCO befasst sich mit der Regulierung von Medizinprodukten, einschließlich deren Einfuhr, Herstellung und Verkauf. Sie legt Richtlinien für Sicherheits- und Leistungsstandards für Medizinprodukte fest.

Pharmakovigilanz: Die Organisation überwacht und bewertet die Sicherheit der auf dem Markt befindlichen Arzneimittel und sammelt und analysiert Informationen über unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen (UAW), um ein rechtzeitiges Eingreifen zu gewährleisten, wenn Sicherheitsbedenken auftreten.

Ausfuhr- und Einfuhrkontrolle: CDSCO regelt die Aus- und Einfuhr von Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten und stellt sicher, dass diese Produkte die erforderlichen Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsstandards erfüllen.

Lizenzierung von Blutbanken und Serum: Die CDSCO ist für die Zulassung und Regulierung von Blutbanken und Seren zuständig, um die Sicherheit von Blut und Blutprodukten zu gewährleisten.

Einhaltung von Vorschriften: Die CDSCO sorgt für die Einhaltung des Arzneimittel- und Kosmetikgesetzes und der Vorschriften, die die Herstellung, den Verkauf und den Vertrieb von Arzneimitteln und Kosmetika in Indien regeln.

Insgesamt spielt die CDSCO eine wichtige Rolle beim Schutz der öffentlichen Gesundheit, indem sie die pharmazeutische und medizintechnische Industrie reguliert, um die Verfügbarkeit von sicheren, wirksamen und qualitativ hochwertigen Gesundheitsprodukten im Land zu gewährleisten.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite mit der CDSCO-Zertifizierung Übersicht.

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MEITY)

Das Ministerium für Elektronik und Informationstechnologie (englisch Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology) ist Teil der Unionsregierung der Republik Indien. Es wurde am 19. Juli 2016 aus dem Ministerium für Kommunikation und Informationstechnologie gegründet.

Das Ministerium für Elektronik und Informationstechnologie (MeitY), eine Behörde der indischen Regierung, stellt Richtlinien für alle staatlichen Organisationen des öffentlichen Sektors bereit. Die Leitlinien werden auch häufig von Organisationen des Privatsektors in regulierten Branchen wie Finanzdienstleistungen und Telekommunikation übernommen.

Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen und Zuständigkeiten des MeitY gehören:

Informationstechnologie (IT) Politik: Formulierung von Richtlinien und Strategien zur Förderung des Wachstums der IT-Industrie in Indien, Unterstützung von E-Governance-Initiativen und Förderung des Einsatzes von Informationstechnologie in verschiedenen Sektoren.

Elektronik und Hardware: Förderung der Entwicklung und des Wachstums der Elektronik- und Hardwareindustrie im Land.

Initiative „Digitales Indien“: Umsetzung des Programms „Digitales Indien“, das darauf abzielt, Indien in eine digitale Gesellschaft und Wissenswirtschaft zu verwandeln. Dazu gehören Initiativen in den Bereichen digitale Infrastruktur, digitale Bildung und digitale Dienstleistungen.

Cybersicherheit: Behandlung von Fragen der Cybersicherheit und Gewährleistung der Sicherheit digitaler Systeme und Netzwerke.

E-Governance: Förderung und Umsetzung von E-Governance-Initiativen zur Verbesserung von Behördendiensten, Transparenz und Effizienz.

Forschung und Entwicklung: Förderung von Forschung und Entwicklung in den Bereichen Elektronik, Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation.

Internationale Zusammenarbeit: Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Organisationen und anderen Ländern, um die Kooperation in den Bereichen IT und Elektronik zu fördern.

Normung und Qualität: Festlegung von Standards für die Elektronik- und IT-Industrie, um die Qualität der Produkte zu gewährleisten.

Paper Import Monitoring System (PIMS)

Das Paper Import Monitoring System (PIMS) wurde im Oktober 2022 von der Generaldirektion für Außenhandel (DGFT) in Indien eingeführt. Das System umfasst eine digitale Plattform, die von der indischen Regierung eingeführt wurde, um die Transparenz und Effizienz bei der Einfuhr von Papierprodukten zu verbessern.

Das PIMS gilt für die Einfuhr einer breiten Palette von Papiererzeugnissen, die 201 Tarifpositionen abdecken, wie Zeitungspapier, handgeschöpftes Papier, gestrichenes Papier, ungestrichenes Papier, Litho- und Offsetpapier, Hygienepapier, Toilettenpapier, Kartons, Etiketten usw.
Papiererzeugnisse wie z.B. Währungspapier, Bankschuldverschreibungen, Scheckpapier, Sicherheitsdruckpapier sind jedoch von der Registrierungspflicht ausgenommen worden.

PIMS dient als zentrale Datenbank, in der sich die Importeure registrieren und die wichtigsten Angaben zu ihren Papiersendungen vor der Ankunft im Einfuhrhafen machen müssen. Das System ermöglicht die Überwachung in Echtzeit, die Überprüfung von Einfuhrdaten und die Verhinderung nicht genehmigter Einfuhren.

Durch die Überwachung und Überprüfung Einfuhrdaten soll PIMS Transparenz fördern und die Gefahr von Falschmeldungen oder betrügerischen Aktivitäten verringern. Dies gewährleistet faire Handelspraktiken und fördert gleiche Wettbewerbsbedingungen für alle Beteiligten in der Papierindustrie.

Die Regierung hat PIMS als digitale Plattform eingeführt, auf die die Importeure jederzeit zugreifen können. Die Einhaltung des Systems ist für alle Papierimporteure obligatorisch, um Transparenz, Datengenauigkeit und die Einhaltung fairer Handelspraktiken zu gewährleisten.

Importeure, die es versäumen, ihre Informationen/Daten zu den gemeldeten Artikeln im Voraus zu registrieren, oder bei denen festgestellt wird, dass sie unrichtige Daten in das PIMS-Online-Modul eingeben, müssen mit Strafmaßnahmen rechnen, einschließlich Maßnahmen gemäß dem Außenhandelsgesetz.

Gerne unterstützen wir Sie bei der Registrierung im PIMS. Sprechen Sie uns einfach an.

PESO Standards

Die folgenden indischen Standards und Gesetze regeln die PESO-Registrierung:

Explosives Act 1884:

Petroleum Act 1934:

TEC Standards

Hier finden Sie eine Liste zu den geltenden Standards für TEC-zertifizierungspflichtige Produkte.

Für weitere Informationen zur TEC-Zertifizierung lesen Sie bitte unser kostenfreies Info-Paket „TEC-Zertifizierung – Wegweiser“.

Name of ProductTEC Standard
National Common Channel Signalling PlanTEC 58146:1992
Air Raid Precaution Equipment (ARP)TEC 58290:1993
Collapsible Steel Drums for Telecom CablesTEC 69360:2004
Push Button DiallerTEC 58280:1994
Videotex ServicesTEC 23004:1994
Wooden Cable Drum for Telecom CablesTEC 69370:2004
Foam-skin Polythene Insulated, fully filled, Polythene Sheathed, Underground Telecom CablesTEC 68010:1996
15 Meter Self Supporting Mast& amendment no. 1 dated 04.10.98TEC 45130:1996
FRP Containers for Batteries (Cap. 4000 to 10000AH)TEC 67050:1997
Wheels and Axles for Cable DrumsTEC 69130:1997
Cable Roller BlockTEC 69140:1997
Preset wires for Jointing G.I. WiresTEC 68020:1997
Mole skin (Wiping Cloth)TEC 69150:1997
Discrete Wire ConnectorsTEC 69160:1997
Aluminium Canister for Thermoweld JointsTEC 69170:1998
Cleaning TissueTEC 69180:1998
Adhesive Polyester TapeTEC 69190:1998
Silica GelTEC 69350:2004
Micro crystalline WaxTEC 69390:2004
Emery stripTEC 69200:1999
Adhesive Aluminium FoilTEC 69380:2004
Water blocking powderTEC 69400:2004
New Type of Drop Wire AccessoriesTEC 68030:1999
Reinforced Thermo shrink sleeve, Closure channel &Branch- off clip (for reinforced Thermo shrink jointing kits for unpressurised Cables)TEC 69210:1999
Portable Cable Fault Locator (With Amendment Nos.1 & 2 dated 12.02.2002 & 27.06.2002)TEC 73010:1999
ADSL Modem (Remote Terminal) Amendment No1 Dated 04/07/2KTEC 70010:1999
Cable Route Tracer (With Amendment No.1 dated 29.09.2000)TEC 73020:1999
20 Pair Modular connectors and Crimping Tools & accessoriesTEC 69220:1999
CD Cabinets for mounting IDC type C.T. Blocks with amendment no.1dated 30.08.05and amendment no. 2 dated 03.02.05TEC 69010:2000
Mini Pillar cum Joint BoxTEC 69020:2000
National CCS7 Standards for MTP and ISUPTEC 58136:2000
60 Meter Heavy Weight M/W TowerTEC 45120:2000
Copper clad steel conductor PVC drop wireTEC 68040:2000
FRP/Polycarbonate Pole mounted Bracket for 5/10/20 Pair External DPTEC 69030:2000
National Q3 Interface StandardsTEC 58186:2000
Splitterless ADSL ModemTEC 70020:2000
Splitterless ADSL COT equipmentTEC 70030:2000
Multi Line Telephone SystemTEC 79100:2000
Cable Warning TapeTEC 69230:2000
20 Meter Narrow Base Heavy Weight TowerTEC 45040:2000
30 Meter Narrow Base Heavy Weight TowerTEC 45060:2000
40 Meter Narrow Base Light Weight TowerTEC 45100:2000
High Count Armoured Optical Fibre Cable (Ribbon Type For Access Network) (Amendment No. 1 dated 11.04.02 & Amendment No. 2 dated 29.06.04)TEC 85040:2001
Technical Requirements for the International Gateway Connectivity.TEC 51006:2001
Subscribers End Equipment (SEE) Connected To 2-W Cable PlantTEC 79146:2001
Blue tooth enabled terminalTEC 38026:2001
Non Zero Dispersion Shifted Single Mode Armoured Optical Fibre Cable (Amendment No. 1 dated 29.06.04)TEC 85060:2001
Main Distribution Frame & protection Arrangement for 128/256 Ports Rural Automatic Exchanges with Amendment No.1TEC 69040:2001
GD Tubes for Internal and External UseTEC 66010:2001
Cadmium-Copper PVC drop wireTEC 68050:2001
1/10/16 Pairs Screened PCM cable for Digital equipment wiring to work upto 2 M bits/secTEC 68060:2001
CDR Based Billing System for PSTNTEC 58250:2001
Cable Switch Board (Screened & Unscreened)TEC 68080:2002
Mini Line Jack UnitTEC 79190:2002
General Packet Radio Service GPRSTEC 22000:2002
Wireless Application protocol WAP ServicesTEC 23014:2002
Tester for Gas Discharge Tube (GD Tube) & Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) ThermistorTEC 73090:2002
PVC Insulated Galvanised mild Steel WireTEC 68070:2002
Lead Sleeves for Cable JointsTEC 69240:2002
Plumber MetalTEC 69250:2002
Fibre Glass Reinforced Polyester (FRP) CD cabinet Casings for mounting IDC Type Cable Terminal BlocksTEC 69050:2002
Executive Telephone System(1+2)TEC 79000:2002
Spacers for DuctsTEC 69260:2002
Multi wavelength meterTEC 88020:2002
30 Meter Narrow Base Light Weight TowerTEC 45050:2002
Crimping Tool for Discrete ConnectorTEC 69270:2003
2-Line Feature PhoneTEC 79072:2003
13 GHz, 34 /16 x 2 Mbps Microwave EquipmentDated: 15/06/2004)(Amendment No. 1TEC 36210:2003
Video Conferencing ServiceTEC 23024:2003
Digital Cross-talk and attenuation testerTEC 73030:2003
PSTN Call GeneratorTEC 58230:2003
100 mA Anti Surge fuseTEC 69280:2003
Key Telephone SystemsTEC 79062:2003
Extension Line Jack Unit (ELJU)TEC 79202:2003
16 KHz Metering Pulse AnalyzerTEC 79240:2003
Voice Mail System (VMS)TEC 58260:2003
Electronic Mail ServiceTEC 23034:2003
Standalone Synchronous EquipmentTEC 49000:2003
National TCAP StandardsTEC 58166:2003
Accessories of Antennas, Feeders and Wave GuidesTEC 35090:2003
House Wire PVC Twin (Tinned Copper conductor Double D Type)TEC 68100:2003
IR for BSNL/MTNL N/W & Private Broadband NetworkTEC 70042:2003
Solid Polythene Insulated, fully filled, Polythene Sheathed, Underground Telecom Cables (5 Pairs/ 0.50mm PIJF Unarmoured Underground Telecom Cables)TEC 68090:2003
Cable Duct LubricantTEC 69290:2003
Alphabets on KeypadTEC 79236:2003
Metal Free Optical Fibre Cable  (Amendment No. 1 dated 30.12.03 & Amendment No. 2 dated 31.03.04)TEC 85000:2003
Armoured Optical Fibre Cable for Direct Burial (U/G) (Amendment No. 1 dated 29.06.04)TEC 85010:2003
Integrated Fibre Termination and Distribution SystemTEC 87040:2003
Cable Duct Sealing SystemTEC 69300:2003
Nationals Standards for ISDN Basic Rate Access U-InterfaceTEC 58036:2003
Coupling Hearing Aids to Telephone SetsTEC 79222:2003
Telephone Line TesterTEC 79250:2003
Voice Band Data Modem (V.21 to V.34)TEC 80072:2003
ISDN User-Network Interface (S/T) National StandardsTEC 58046:2003
RF Fixed Coaxial Attenuators (2W & 5W)TEC 41280:2004
RF Step Attenuator(dc to 2.5 GHz )TEC 35100:2004
Return Loss Measurement Test Set(10 MHz-20 GHz)TEC 44180:2004
RF Coaxial Step Attenuators (dc to 18 GHz & dc to 4 GHzTEC 41450:2004
Optical fibre cable for Coastal Areas & High sub soil water conditionTEC 85080:2004
Aluminium Canisters for Thermoshrink jointsTEC 69310:2004
Sealant Tape-with amendmentTEC 69320:2004
Sheath Connector AssemblyTEC 69330:2004
Adhesive PVC Tape-with amendmentTEC 69340:2004
Roof Top Tower for CellularMobileSystems ( 30/25/20/15/10 M Tower )TEC 45140:2004
ISP Traffic Legal Intercept and Monitoring SystemTEC 51016:2004
100 pair Cable Terminal Block with accessories to be mounted in cabinets & pillars with AccessoriesTEC 69060:2004
Location based applications and servicesTEC 22010:2004
Network Switching Sub system NSS of IMPCSTEC 22020:2004
Lawful Interception of GSM NetworkTEC 22030:2004
V.90 ModemTEC 80050:2004
Network Management System for circuit switched networkTEC 58270:2004
ISDN Handheld TesterTEC 58050:2004
ISDN Protocol TesterTEC 58060:2004
Microwave Power Meter(10 MHz to 18 GHz)TEC 44090:2004
Frequency Counter (10 Hz – 18 GHz)TEC 44100:2004
Optical Fibre Cable for Concrete surfacesTEC 85070:2004
40 Meter Narrow Base Heavy Weight TowerTEC 45090:2004
Managed Leased Line NetworkTEC 49010:2004
Synthesized signal Generator( 2GHz-20 GHz )TEC 44160:2004
2.7 GHz Synthesized Signal Generator (100 KHz – 2.7 GHz)TEC 44170:2004
12V DC-DC Power Supply unit with built-in 12V/7AH Battery for CDMA FWTsTEC 66020:2004
Executive Telephone SystemTEC 79010:2004
Line Jack Unit (LJU)TEC 79170:2004
Line Jack Unit with provision of parallel extentionTEC 79180:2004
Attachments to the TelephoneTEC 79212:2004
Centralised Control and Monitoring System for Power Plants and Associated EquipmentTEC 66030:2004
60 Meter Narrow Base Light Weight Tower for Cellular SystemsTEC 45110:2004
Portable E1 – Analyser for NIBTEC 52000:2004
15 GHz 4X2 Mbps Integrated Digital Microwave equipmentTEC 36160:2004
23 GHz 4X2 Mbps Integrated Digital Microwave EquipmentTEC 36170:2004
40,30 and 20 Meter Towers for Cellular SystemsTEC 45070:2004
18 GHz Sub STM-1 Integrated Digital Microwave EquipmentTEC 36220:2005
Unified Messaging SystemTEC 58240:2005
Inverters Systems (1 To 48KVA)TEC 66040:2005
Complete Main Distribution Frame for Automatic Exchange of 512 port & above with CT Blocks, Integrated Protection Modules, Conn Tool & other accessories, amendment no.1 dt 08.02.06TEC 69090:2005
Thermo weld Sleeve, Closure channel, Branch-off clip & Rubber spacer (for Thermo weld jointing Kits for Unpressurised Cables)TEC 69420:2005
V.92 ModemTEC 80030:2005
ISDN Network Termination (NT1)TEC 58010:2005
Multipath fade SimulatorTEC 44130:2005
6 GHz Wave Guide (Lower Band)TEC 35200:2005
GSM RF Repeaters and Distributed Antenna SystemTEC 21000:2005
Distribution Point (DP) Box for Internal & External use with Amendment No.1dated 01.05.06TEC 69070:2005
GR for New Type DP Boxes for External use With AmendmentNo.1dated 01.05.06TEC 69080:2005
40 meter tower for cellular system (up to170 km ph wind speed Amendment No.1Dated 9.5.2006TEC 45080:2005
Cable & Antenna Analyser(for Base Station)TEC 44080:2005
Micro Duct Optical Fibre CableTEC 851300:2005
Flexible Optical Fibre Cable (For Indoor Applications)TEC 85110:2021
Optical Fibre Drop Cable with Installation AccessoriesTEC 85120:2005
Structured LAN CablingTEC 52010:2005
Outdoor Drop Optical Fibre Cable (Figure 8 Type) with Installation AccessoriesTEC 85100:2005
High Speed Data Circuits TesterTEC 52020:2005
New Standard on Radio Devices in unlicensed band 2.4 GHZTEC 38016:2005
NSD/ISD PayphoneTEC 79030:2005
Asymmetrical Line (ADSL) Test SetTEC 73040:2006
Copper Pair Tester for Digital Subscriber (XDSL) workingTEC 73050:2006
Base Station Antenna in 824-894 MHz, 1880-1900 MHz and 1920-2170 MHz frequency bandsTEC 35170:2006
RF Fixed Attenuator(DC- 40 GHz)TEC 41290:2006
5.5 And 8.0 m Earth station antenna operating in Ku bandTEC 41360:2006
3.8 m Earth station antenna operating in C- bandTEC 41380:2006
Voucher Management and Roaming Recharge for Mobile NetworkTEC 23000:2006
User Equipment for WCDMA 3GTEC 20000:2006
High Count Metal free Optical Fibre Cable (Ribbon Type for Access Network)TEC 85030:2006
Buttinski Telephone HandsetTEC 79130:2006
Intelligent Network System And Service DescriptionTEC 58220:2006
National SCCP StandardsTEC 58176:2006
200W and 300W Solid State Power Amplifiers ( SSPAs) (1+1) System operating in C bandTEC 41140:2006
General Packet Radio Services for GSM GERAN and UMTSTEC 21010:2006
Short Message Service Centre SMSCTEC 22040:2006
Tools for Installation & Operation of OFC & for Assembly of Optical Fibre Splice ClosuresTEC 89060:2006
Location Based Service System LBSSTEC 22050:2006
Web Cache SystemTEC 52040:2006
Digital Cable Fault Locator for Low Insulation Faults, contact and openTEC 73060:2006
Self-supporting PVC Drop Wire with Fibre Glass Roving as strength memberTEC 68110:2006
Jumper Wire PVC with amendment dated 8.5.2009TEC 68120:2006
Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment (DCME) with 5:1 and 10:1 gainTEC 36240:2006
Feeder cable for 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2.1 GHz/UMTS Frequency bands ( 890-960 MHz, 1710-1880 and 1920-2170 MHz)TEC 35080:2006
7 GHz High Performance AntennaTEC 35130:2006
64 Kbps line drivers for use on subscriber loop on 2Wire basisTEC 52030:2006
Base Station Panel and Omni Antennas 890-960 MHZ, 1710-1880 MHZ and 1920-2170 MHz frequency bandsTEC 35180:2006
Intermediate Data Rate (IDR) Equipment in Ku band.TEC 41170:2006
Intermediate Data Rate Equipment (IDR) operating in C bandTEC 41180:2006
Multi Channel Per Carrier Very Small Aperture Terminal (MCPC VSAT) operating in C bandTEC 41200:2006
MPLS Performance AnalyserTEC 52070:2007
MPLS Protocol AnalyserTEC 52080:2007
15 GHz, STM-1, SDH Microwave EquipmentTEC 36180:2007
18 GHz STM-1 Integrated Digital Microwave EquipmentTEC 36230:2007
6 GHz High Performance AntennaTEC 35110:2007
6 GHz WAVEGUIDETEC 35190:2007
Optical Dispersion AnalyzerTEC 88030:2007
Voice Quality AnalyserTEC 52060:2007
Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber(CCBS)TEC 58094:2007
11m Earth station antennas operating in C- bandTEC 41320:2007
7 m Earth station antennas operating in C- bandTEC 41330:2007
1.2 And 1.8 m Earth station antenna operating in Ku bandTEC 41370:2007
Radio Network Planning Tool for GSM and WCDMATEC 23010:2007
BTS and Node B Tester for GSM GPRS EDGE and WCDMA NetworksTEC 23020:2007
Fibre Distribution Management System for OFC (Type I, TypeII, TypeIII) with Amendment No. 1 dated 02.05.12TEC 87010:2007
Thin ClientTEC 52050:2007
Large Size Digital Local cum Tandem Exchange (VOL.I & VOL II)TEC 58210:2007
11 GHz High Performance AntennaTEC 35140:2007
13 GHz High Performance AntennaTEC 35150:2007
Spectrum Analyser (50 MHz – 40 GHz)TEC 44110:2007
Wireless Application Protocol WAP NetworkTEC 22060:2007
Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) National StandardsTEC 58156:2007
2 Mbps Digital Echo CancellerTEC 41210:2007
2 Mbps Digital Echo CancellerTEC 44140:2007
Synthesized Signal Generator(1GHz-40GHz)TEC 44150:2007
1.8m and 2.4m Earth station antennas operating in C- bandTEC 41350:2007
Intelligent Network System and Service description for GSM and WCDMA NetworksTEC 22070:2007
Metal free Optical Fibre Cable (G.652 D Fibre) (Amendment No. 1 dated 28.8.08)TEC 85140:2007
Cable Pulling eye and cup containerTEC 69430:2007
IPLC Traffic Lawful Interception and Monitoring SystemTEC 49020:2007
55° K Low Noise Amplifier Subsystem operating in C- band and Ext-C-bandTEC 41160:2007
Over The Air Platform For GSM WCDMA NetworksTEC 22080:2007
Optical Spectrum AnalyserTEC 88080:2007
Ethernet Traffic Analyzer for Ethernet Transport Service Testing – Table-top modelTEC 88210:2007
13 GHz Wave GuideTEC 41090:2007
11 GHz Wave GuideTEC 41100:2007
10W/20W Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) (1+1) System in C- bandTEC 41110:2007
Spectrum Analyser (1 MHz – 21 GHz)TEC 44120:2007
18 GHz, 16 x 2 Mb/s Integrated Digital Microwave EquipmentTEC 36130:2008
Digital Satellite Phone System (DSPS) in Ku bandTEC 41270:2008
Prepaid Scratch CardsTEC 23030:2008
Service Description for Analogue SubscribersTEC 58104:2008
Long Distance Satellite Telephone (LDST) operating in C bandTEC 41190:2008
3.8 m Earth station antenna operating in Ku bandTEC 41340:2008
1m Earth station antenna operating in Ku bandTEC 41390:2008
1.2 m VSAT antenna operating in C bandTEC 41400:2008
Transient Safety Device (8 Pair Protector Module for use on back side of Mother Board of C-Dot Exchange)TEC 69440:2008
64 Kb/s Cross Connect with 2048 Kb/s access PortTEC 86100:2008
National Standards for H.248TEC 59146:2008
STM-1 Satellite Modem for Ku bandTEC 41260:2008
Optical-Electrical-Optical (O-E-O) based Digital Cross-Connect (DXC) Equipment with Automatic Switched Optical Network (ASON) CapabilityTEC 86120:2008
10G Ethernet Traffic Analyzer for Ethernet Transport Service TestingTEC 88220:2008
National Standards for SIPTEC 59156:2008
SDH, Integrated Microwave Equipment in 13 GHz bandTEC 36150:2008
Non–Zero Dispersion Optical Fibre Cable for Wideband Optical Transport (G.656 Fibre)TEC 851500:2008
SDH, STM-1 Microwave equipment in 6GHz and 11GHz frequency bandsTEC 36140:2008
Network Protocol AnalyzerTEC 61030:2020
Multi frequency Register Signalling(R2MF)TEC 58192:2009
CCS7TEC 58132:2009
Services for NGN SubscribersTEC 59164:2009
Intermediate Frequency Combiner / DividerTEC 41230:2009
400W/700W High Power Amplifiers (1+) operating in C and Ext C band.TEC 41250:2009
Uplink Interfacility Waveguide for C, Ext-C & Ku bandTEC 41460:2009
Optical Fibre Cable for FTTH application (G.657 A Fibre)TEC 85160:2021
STM 1/4/16/64 and Standalone STM-64 SDH Analyzer without Jitter and WanderTEC 88260:2009
STM 1/4/16/64 and Standalone STM-64 SDH Analyzer with  Jitter and WanderTEC 88270:2009
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) AnalyserTEC 88280:2009
Feeder Cable for C, Ext C Ku band Inter facility Downlink Feeder CableTEC 41470:2009
2 Mb/s PCM Multiplexing EquipmentTEC 86010:2009
SDH-based Digital Cross Connect system with 40G, 60G & 80G capacitiesTEC 86110:2009
Audio Streaming PlatformTEC 51000:2009
Internet Exchange Point (IXP)TEC 51010:2009
Video Gateway SystemTEC 51020:2009
Video Streaming PlatformTEC 51030:2009
SAR Measurement SystemTEC 13010:2009
20 W/50W/100W/250W Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) 1+1 System operating in ku bandTEC 41130:2009
RF Power Combiner/Divider in C and Ku bandsTEC 41240:2009
1m/1.2m/1.8m/2.4m VSAT antenna operating in Ku bandTEC 41310:2009
Drive Test Tool for GSM GPRS EDGE and WCDMA NetworksTEC 23040:2009
Post Processing Tool for GSM GPRS EDGE and WCDMA NetworksTEC 23050:2009
Narrowband Remote Access ServersTEC 48000:2009
INTEGRATED MICROWAVE EQUIPMENT for 4/8/16 E1 in 15 GHz and 23 GHz Frequency bandsTEC 36200:2009
Provider Backbone Bridge/ Provider Backbone Bridge Traffic Engineering (PBB/PBB-TE) Based Carrier Ethernet Networks (CEN) for Access Network Applications.TEC 48010:2009
Provider Backbone Bridge/ Provider Backbone Bridge Traffic Engineering (PBB/PBB-TE) Based Carrier Ethernet Networks (CEN) for Metro Aggregation Network Applications.TEC 48020:2009
50W/100W/200W/300W Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) (1+1) System OperatingTEC 41120:2009
Bandwidth Saving Satellite if Modem for C BandTEC 41220:2009
Optical Fibre Jumpers, Adapters, Hybrid Jumpers and Hybrid Adapters with Errata No. 1 dated 07.05.13TEC 87070:2009
Mechanical Splice For Optical FibreTEC 89000:2009
Element Management SystemTEC 61040:2009
SIP Application ServerTEC 59170:2009
30°K/45°K Low Noise Amplifier system operating in C-bandTEC 41150:2009
6 GHz Ultra High Performance AntennaTEC 35120:2009
15 GHz High Performance AntennaTEC 35160:2009
Small Size GSM Radio Sub SystemTEC 21020:2009
Universal Subscriber Identity Module USIMTEC 20010:2010
Internet Data CentreTEC 51040:2010
Video Surveillance PlatformTEC 51050:2010
Video Ring back ToneTEC 52090:2010
Fraud Management and Control CentreTEC 58110:2010
IP Multi Media System Based on TISPAN ArchitectureTEC 59170:2010
National Standard for V5.2 InterfaceTEC 58206:2010
Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment (DCME) with20:1 gainTEC 41080:2010
RF Power Meter (50 MHz to 40 GHz)TEC 44010:2010
Frequency Counter (10 Hz – 40 GHz)TEC 44020:2010
Spectrum Analyzer (1 MHz to 3.0 GHz)TEC 44040:2010
Standard for Environmental testing of Telecommunication equipmentTEC 14016:2010
40/80 Channel Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) Equipment with Channel Bit-rates upto 40Gbps for Core Network ApplicationsTEC 86060:2010
Optical Fibre Termination & Distribution Box (for FTTH applications)TEC 87030:2010
Splice Closure for Optical Fibre CablesTEC 87080:2010
Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (Type II) (1550 nm & 1625 nm wavelength) for Long Haul ApplicationsTEC 88140:2010
PON OTDR (Type-A) for FTTH ApplicationsTEC 88170:2010
PON OTDR (Type-B) for FTTH ApplicationsTEC 88180:2010
PON Power Meter (For FTTH applications)TEC 88190:2010
Next Generation SDH Transport Network Tester @ STM 1, STM 1/ 4, STM 1/4/16 at 1310 & 150 NM & STM 64 rates at 1550 NM Wave LengthsTEC 88250:2010
Fibre Distribution FramesTEC 87000:2010
Termination Box for Optical Fibre Cables (Metal Free & Armoured)TEC 87020:2010
Thermo shrink sleeve, Closure channel & Branch- off clip (for ThermoShrink Jointing Kits for Unpressurised cables)-with amendment No.1 dated 21.11.2011TEC 69450:2010
Cable Cleaning LiquidTEC 69460:2010
Splice filling compound TEC 69470:2010
STM 1 Synchronous MultiplexerTEC 86020:2011
STM 4 Synchronous MultiplexerTEC 86030:2011
STM 16 Synchronous MultiplexerTEC 86040:2011
STM 64 Synchronous MultiplexerTEC 86050:2011
Optical Fibre Splice Protection SleevesTEC 89020:2011
Optical Fibre Splice Protection Sleeves for Optical Fibre RibbonTEC 89030:2011
Value Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) Batteries with amendment dated 24.7.2012 TEC 67010:2011
Tower Mounted AmplifierTEC 35010:2010
Portable VSAT TerminalTEC 41070:2011
7 GHz SDH STM-1 Microwave EquipmentTEC 36040:2011
7 GHz Wave GuideTEC 35030:2011
Armoured Optical Fibre Cable for Duct Application (Type-I and Type-II) with errata dated 06.07.2020 TEC 85170:2011
Optical Router TEC 48030:2011
Electronic CommerceTEC 51060:2011
Standard for IPv6 Conformance and interoperabilityTEC 51026:2011
Tubular Valve Regulated Lead Acid (TVRLA) Batteries based on GEL Technology with amendment dated 24.7.2012TEC 67020:2011
Cable, House wiring PVC (Tinned copper conductor insulated, taped &PVC Sheathed) TEC 68130:2011
Fibre to the AntennaTEC 35020:2011
Broadband Wireless Access SystemTEC 36120:2011
18 GHz High Performance AntennaTEC 35040:2011
800 and 1900 MHz Patch Panel AntennaTEC 35060:2011
WCDMA RepeatersTEC 21030:2011
Lawful Interception System of Mobile GSM CDMA UMTS EPS NetworksTEC 22090:2011
Long Term Evolution LTE and Evolved Packet Core EPCTEC 22100:2011
3G Data CardTEC 20020:2011
Universal Mobile Telecommunication System Terrestrial Radio Access Network UTRAN Rel 7TEC 21040:2011
OPGW Cable (for laying on Power lines)TEC 85180:2011
Flexible Versatile Multiplexer Equipment for Access Network ApplicationsTEC 86000:2011
Wireless Local Area NetworkTEC 38040:2011
BTS ShelterTEC 35070:2011
CLIP PhoneTEC 79092:2011
Fibre Distribution Management System (Outdoor) for Optical Fibre Cables (Ribbon & Non-Ribbon)TEC 87050:2012
Synchronous Supply UnitTEC 89080:2012
Broad Band Remote Access ServerTEC 48040:2012
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)TEC 49030:2012
ADSL Based Broadband NetworkTEC 49040:2012
BGP/MPLS Virtual Private NetworkTEC 49050:2012
Broadband Access on Cable TV ArchitectureTEC 49060:2012
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Slave ClockTEC 49070:2012
ISP (Internet Service Provider) ApplicationsTEC 51070:2012
Hybrid Microwave Radio Equipment(15, 18 and 23GHz)TEC 36050:2012
Milimiter Wave (E-Band) Microwave EquipmentTEC 36060:2012
IP Multimedia SubsystemTEC 22110:2012
Location based Information SystemTEC 22120:2012
Universal Mobile Telecommunication System Core Network Release 7TEC 22130:2012
Optical splitter for PON technologyTEC 72010:2021
Optical Fibre Splicing MachineTEC 88090:2012
Optical Fibre Splicing Machine for Ribbon FibreTEC 88100:2012
Ethernet Media ConverterTEC 89070:2012
Digital Distribution FrameTEC 89090:2012
Interface Requirement for interchange of Digital Signals at 2, 8, 34, 45 & 140 Mb/s portsTEC 89102:2012
Systems employing Computer Telephony IntegrationTEC 52002:2012
Cordless TelephoneTEC 79162:2012
7GHz IP Microwave Radio EquipmentTEC 36070:2012
13GHz IP Microwave Radio EquipmentTEC 36080:2012
Digital Network Synchronization EquipmentTEC 49080:2012
Cloud InfrastructureTEC 50000:2012
2048 Kbps line DriversTEC 52100:2012
xDSL main Distribution Frame (xDSL MDF) for DSLAM equipment with xDSL MDF splitter block and xDSL POT splitterTEC 69100:2013
Softswitch for Local & Transit Wireline ApplicationTEC 59030:2013
Mobile Station handset based on GSM GPRS EGPRSTEC 20002:2013
User Equipment Handset based on WCDMA HSPATEC 20012:2013
Remote Access Server (RAS)TEC 48002:2013
Diameter signalling controllerTEC 59080:2013
Packet Microwave Radio Equipment (15, 18 & 23GHz )TEC 36090:2013
Cordless TelephoneTEC 79150:2013
Radio Modem in ISM bandTEC 38032:2013
L-Band Intermediate Data Rate (IDR) Modem for C and Ku BandTEC 41020:2013
Composite Optical Test instrument (OTDR, Power Meter & Light Source)TEC 88000:2013
Optical Loss Test set Light Source and Power MeterTEC 88010:2013
Optical Power meter (Type A & Type B)TEC 88060:2013
23 GHz High Performance AntennaTEC 35050:2013
IR on WiFi CPE (USB)TEC 38022:2013
3G Data CardTEC 20022:2013
Router for MPLS Based Transport NetworkTEC 48050:2014
Optical Transport Network (OTN) AnalyzerTEC 88290:2014
Local Area Network SwitchTEC 48060:2014
Integrated Gateway RouterTEC 48070:2014
Firewall SystemTEC 49090:2014
Content Delivery NetworkTEC 51080:2014
Set Top Box for Content Services in IP NetworkTEC 51090:2014
RoutersTEC 48012:2014
Customer Premises Equipment for MPLS NetworkTEC 48022:2014
Universal Mobile Phone ChargerTEC 66050:2014
Characterization of VRLA Batteries and Guidelines for the O&M of VRLA batteries No.TEC 67019:2014
Electronic Locator SystemTEC 73070:2014
Line Media GatewayTEC 59070:2014
Ethernet Electrical to Optical media ConverterTEC 48080:2014
Ethernet Electrical to Optical media ConverterTEC 48032:2014
LAN SwitchTEC 48042:2014
TEC 49002:2014TEC/IR/IT/FWS-002/01 SEP 2014
Set Top Box for Content Delivery Services in IP NetworkTEC 51002:2014
Optical Fixed Attenuator (Type A & Type B)TEC 88040:2014
Optical Variable Attenuator (Type A & Type B)TEC 88050:2014
Optical Talk SetTEC 88070:2014
SWITCHING Node with Network NETWORK INTERFACE AT 2048 Kbit/sTEC 58072:2014
Short Message Service Cell Broadcast SMSCBTEC 22140:2015
Ethernet Traffic Analyzer for Ethernet Transport Service Testing – Hand-held modelTEC 88200:2015
Universal Subscriber Identity Module USIMTEC 20030:2015
Subscriber Identity Module SIMTEC 20032:2015
Universal Subscriber Identity Module USIMTEC 20042:2015
Aerial Drop Optical Fibre Cable with Installation Accessories (For Last mile applicationsTEC 85200:2015
Remote Fibre Test and Monitoring SystemTEC 88150:2015
Layer 4-7 Load Balancer SwitchTEC 48090:2015
Relational Database Management System for Telecom ApplicationsTEC 51100:2015
Planning & Maintenance Guidelines for Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Based Power PlantTEC 66069:2015
Planning & Maintenance Guidelines for SPV Power SupplyTEC 66079:2015
IR for ADSL2+TEC 70062:2015
Power Meter (DC,0.5Hz to 100 KHz Single Phase)TEC 73080:2015
Measurement Metrics and Measurement Methodology for Router and Switches for Green PassportTEC 74019:2015
Electronic Telephone InstrumentTEC 79052:2015
Terminals for connecting to PSTNTEC 79082:2015
V.92 ModemTEC 80042:2015
V.90 ModemTEC 80062:2015
Group 3 FAX Machine/CardTEC 80082:2015
Hybrid Microwave Radio Equipment in upper 6 GHz bandTEC 36100:2015
Wi-Fi Access PointTEC 38012:2015
Radio Access System for Broadband Application in 3.3-3.4 GHz band.TEC 36110:2015
STM-1 Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) for access network applicationTEC 70050:2015
20 Meter Guyed Wire Supporting Mast for Cellular Mobile SystemTEC 45010:2015
40 Meter Guyed Wire Supporting Mast for Cellular Mobile SystemTEC 45030:2015
30 Meter Guyed Wire Supporting Mast for Cellular Mobile SystemTEC 45020:2015
IP PABXTEC 60020:2015
Signalling Transfer Point (STP)TEC 58120:2015
SIP TerminalTEC 59012:2015
NMSTEC 48100:2015
IP based Interconnection between Service Providers NetworksTEC 51036:2015
Subscriber Identity Module SIMTEC 20040:2015
UICC based ISIM including USIMTEC 20052:2015
Non Zero Dispersion Shifted Single Mode Metal Free Optical Fibre Cable (G.655 C Fibre)TEC 85050:2015
High Precision Cleaver for Ribbon FibreTEC 89040:2015
Hot Jacket Remover for Ribbon FibreTEC 89050:2015
Data Storage InfrastructureTEC 49100:2015
Ethernet Traffic Analyzer up to 10 G (Hand Held Model)TEC 88230:2016
Integrated SystemsTEC 48110:2016
Software Defined Network [SDN] Controller, and Additional Requirements for LAN Switches, Carrier Ethernet Switches and Routers for SDNTEC 50010:2016
Element Management System (eMS)TEC 52006:2016
Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) Power Supply for fixed wireless terminals and similar systemsTEC 66080:2016
Lithium Ion Battery for Telecom ApplicationsTEC 67030:2016
400 W and 750 W TWTHigh Power Amplifiers Operating in Ku-bandTEC 41060:2016
Local Multipoint Distributionsystem in 26 GHz Frequency bandTEC 36020:2016
Local Multipoint Distribution system in 10.5 GHz Frequency BandTEC 36010:2016
Local Multipoint Distribution system in 28 GHz Frequency BandTEC 36030:2016
Radio Modem in ISM bandTEC 38050:2016
Handheld Spectrum Analyser (100 KHz – 3.0 GHz)TEC 44030:2010
4.8 and 6.3 m Earth Station Antenna Operating in C-bandTEC 41080:2016
Executive Telephone SystemTEC 79022:2006
Multi Line Telephone SystemTEC 79112:2016
Audio Conference Facility DeviceTEC 79122:2016
Point of Sales(POS) terminal with PSTN/CDMA/ GSM/GPRS interfaceTEC 80012:2016
MPLS SDN RouterTEC 48120:2016
Element Management System (eMS) For Next Generation Networks (NGN)TEC 49110:2016
Call CentreTEC 51110:2016
Integrated Access DeviceTEC 59020:2016
Electromagnetic Compatibility Standard for telecommunication EquipmentTEC 11016:2016
EMF Strength Measuring Instrument In the frequency range of 30 MHz to 3/6 GHzTEC 44060:2016
40/80 Channel Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) Equipment with channel bitrates of 10Gbps for Metro/Core NetworkTEC 86080:2016
Optical Fibre Splicing Machine (Portable) (Type -I & Type-II)TEC 88110:2016
Solar Photo Voltaic Power Supply for Telecom equipmentTEC 66090:2017
WLAN ControllerTEC 38010:2017
ADSS of Cable for laying along Power Line Alignments (errata No. 1 dated 11.9.17)TEC 85190:2017
Riser Optical Fibre CableTEC 85210:2017
Installation Accessories and fixtures of Self Supporting Metal free Optical Fibre CableTEC 87060:2017
Multi-Protocol Label Switching Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Based Carrier Ethernet Network (CEN) for Access and Aggregation Network ApplicationsTEC 48130:2017
Interactive Voice Response System.TEC 51120:2017
VoIP Protocol/Performance AnalyserTEC 52110:2017
High Speed Line Drivers.TEC 48052:2017
Ethernet to G.703 Interface ConverterTEC 48062:2017
Solar Photo Voltaic based Standalone/Hybrid Power Supply for Wi-Fi Terminals and other Similar TerminalsTEC 66100:2017
SMPS Based Power PlantsTEC 66110:2017
FTTH/FTTB/FTTC Broadband Access Applications using GPON Technology with amendment dated 28.6.2017TEC 71010:2017
Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Network (WDM-PON) Technology for FTTx based BroadbandTEC 71020:2017
Generic Requirements of an Integrated Broadband System for Delivery of Digital Services in Rural AreasTEC 80020:2017
WiFi HotspotTEC 38030:2017
Point to Multipoint Multi Frequency Broadband System for frequency bands 3.3-3.4 GHz,3.5 GHz, 10.5 GHz & 26 GHzTEC 36190:2017
Integrated Broadband System for Delivery of Digital Services in Rural AreasTEC 23060:2017
12 V Switch mode power supply (SMPS) for wireless/wire line terminals &similar SystemsTEC 66120:2017
Lightening for surge protection of telecom site.TEC 66130:2017
Telephony Application ServerTEC 59090:2017
SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) Measurement System for wireless communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30MHz to 6 GHz))TEC 13020:2017
Electronic Telephone InstrumentTEC 79040:2017
PABX for network ConnectivityTEC 60012:2017
Multi-service Optical Transport Network (OTN) platform with DWDM bearer transport system for Metro and Core Network ApplicationsTEC 86090:2017
Raw Materials used in Manufacturing of Optical Fibre Cable with amendment no.1 date 06.07.2020TEC 89010:2017
Interactive Voice Response SystemTEC 51012:2018
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 2 Plus (ADSL 2+) System for Central Office and Remote Office ApplicationsTEC 70060:2018
Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL &VDSL2) Equipment COT and RT ApplicationsTEC 70070:2018
IP-DSLAMTEC 70080:2018
Interface Requirements for interchange of  STM1, STM-4, STM-16, STM-64 signals between different networksTEC 89112:2018
ServerTEC 48140:2018
Unified Threat ManagementTEC 49120:2018
Network Function virtualisation Infrastsucture (NFVI) and Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM)TEC 50020:2018
Ethernet to E1 ConverterTEC 52120:2018
Self Supporting Metal Free Aerial Optical Fibre Cable (For Hilly & Rural Area)TEC 85020:2018
Self Supporting Metal Free Aerial Optical Fibre Cable (For Urban areas)TEC 85090:2018
Aerial Optical Fibre Drop Cable For FTTH Applications (FOR Short Span)TEC 85220:2018
Test Procedure for Measurement of Electromagnetic field from Base Station AntennaTEC 13019:2018
Session Border ControllerTEC 59040:2018
Network-Network Interface for Session Border ControllerTEC 59042:2018
SIGTRANTEC 59136:2018
Intrusion Detection System for IP Network Security.TEC 49130:2018
Intrusion Prevention SystemTEC 49140:2018
10 Gigabit Symmetric Passive Optical Network(XGS-PON) Technology for FTTx based Broadband ApplicationsTEC 71030:2018
FTTX based Broadband Access Applications using GPON technology with Mini-OLTTEC 71040:2018
10 Gigabit Passive Optical Network(XG-PON) Technology for FTTx based Broadband ApplicationsTEC 71050:2018
Data DictionaryTEC 52016:2019
RF Monitoring System for continuous measurement of electromagnetic radiationTEC 44050:2019
Ethernet Traffic Analyzer 100 G (Hand Held Model)TEC 88240:2019
Network Timing Protocol ServerTEC 48150:2019
Primary Refrence Clock cesieum frequency standardsTEC 49150:2019
Time Synchronization in IP NetworksTEC 49004:2019
Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) SystemTEC 66140:2019
G.Fast equipmentTEC 70090:2019
Multi function portable device for Biometric authentication/e-KYC, Digital KYC and Bill payment at Point of Sales(POS)TEC 80000:2019
ISDN Customer Premises EquipmentTEC 58022:2019
ISDN Network Termination (NT1)TEC 58012:2019
VSAT based Mobility ServicesTEC 42022:2019
Interface Requirements on Mobile Radio Trunking Subscriber UnitTEC 39022:2019
Interface Requirements on Mobile Radio Trunking Communication EquipmentTEC 39012:2019
eNodeBTEC 21050:2019
Embedded Subscriber Identity Module (ESIM)TEC 20062:2019
Software Defined Wide Area Network (SDWAN)TEC 49160:2019
Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (Mini)  (Type-A & Type-B)TEC 88130:2019
Double Walled Corrugated (DWC) HDPE DuctTEC 72020:2019
Permanently lubricated HDPE telecom Ducts for use as underground optical fibre cable conduitsTEC 72030:2019
Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (Type I) (1310 nm & 1550 nm wavelength) for Long Haul ApplicationsTEC 88120:2019
VRLA batteries for high rate of discharge (UPS) applicationTEC 67040:2019
Symmetric Pair High Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line (SHDSL) SystemTEC 70100:2019
FTTH/FTTB/FTTC Broadband Access Applications Using EPON TechnologyTEC 71060:2019
Voluntary Code of Practice for Sustainable TelecomTEC 74039:2019
Media ServerTEC 59100:2019
Signalling GatewayTEC 59050:2019
Integrated Disaster Management System (IDMS) using Common Alert Protocol (CAP)TEC 51004:2020
Power System Based On Renewable Energy for Telecom EquipmentTEC 66150:2020
40-Gigabit-capable symmetric passive optical network (NG-PON2) technology for FTTX based broadband applicationsTEC 71070:2020
Micro duct for indoor and outdoor ApplicationsTEC 72040:2020
Stabilised Light Source Type A & Type B (with TSTP)TEC 88160:2020
Ethernet Traffic Analyzer 1/10/100 G (Hand Held Model)TEC 88300:2020
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Grandmaster ClockTEC 49170:2020
Audio ConferencingTEC 51014:2020
Guidelines for Lithium-Ion BatteryTEC 67039:2020
SAR for wireless communication devices used in close proximity to the human bodyTEC 13016:2020
Standard for Energy Consumption Rating and Energy Passport for Telecommunications Products, Equipment and Network/ ServicesTEC 74046:2020
Media Resource FunctionTEC 59190:2020
Standard for GR for 40/80 Channel Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) System with Channel bit-rate of 100/200 Gbps for Core/Metro Network ApplicationsTEC 86070:2021
Standard for IR for Interchange of ETHERNET Signals between Different NetworksTEC 89122:2021
Standard for GR for Wi-Fi Access PointTEC 38020:2021
Standard for IR for Communication and Broadcast Networks for FSS/BSS (Mandatory Technical Requirements)TEC 42012:2021
Standard for SR for Voice Mail ServiceTEC 61064:2021
Standard for SR for Audiotex ServiceTEC 61054:2021
Fibre Optic Network Terminal Box (FONT)TEC 72050:2021
ADSS OPTICAL Fibre Cable for laying along power line alignments (for Long Span)TEC 85230:2021
WiMAX CPE USBTEC 21070:2011
WiMAX based Broadband Wireless Access SystemTEC 21060:2011
WiMAX CPE IndoorTEC 20070:2011
WiMAX CPE OutdoorTEC 20060:2011
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System GMDSS TerrestrialTEC 23070:2005
Lawful Interception of GSM NetworkTEC 22170:2004
GSM Mobile Station and Fixed Cellular TerminalTEC 20050:2004
Multimedia Messaging Service MMSTEC 22160:2003
Nx25G-EPON (25G-EPON and 50G-EPON) for FTTx Broadband Access ApplicationsTEC 71080:2021
10G-EPON for FTTx Broadband Access ApplicationsTEC 71090:2021

WPC Standards

Hier finden Sie eine Liste zu den geltenden Standards für WPC-zertifizierungspflichtige Produkte.

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Rules and Regulations

BIS Standards

Hier finden Sie eine Liste zu den geltenden BIS Standards für BIS-zertifizierungspflichtige Produkte.

Für weitere Informationen zur BIS-Zertifizierung und den BIS Standards lesen Sie bitte unser kostenfreies Info-Paket „BIS-Zertifizierung – Wegweiser“.

Certification Scheme I (ISI Mark Scheme)

Product CategoryIS No.Product
SeatsIS:15546-2005Seats, Seats anchorages and head restraints
CementIS 12330Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement
IS 12600Low heat Portland Cement
IS 1489 (Part 1)Portland Pozzolana Cement-Part1 Fly-ash based
IS 1489 (Part 2)Portland Pozzolana Cement-Part 2 Calcined clay based
IS 269Ordinary Portland Cement
IS 3466Masonry Cement
IS 455Portland Slag Cement
IS 6452High Alumina Cement for Structural use
IS 6909Super sulphated cement
IS 8041Rapid hardening Portland cement
IS 8042White Portland Cement
IS 8043Hydrophobic Portland Cement
IS 8229Oil well Cement
Household Electrical goodsIS 12640 (Part 1)Residual current operated circuit breakers for house hold and similar uses-Part 1 Circuit breakers without integral overcurrent protection (RCCBs)
IS 12640 (Part 2)Residual current operated circuit breakers for household and similar uses–Part 2 Circuit breakers with integral overcurrent protection(RCVOs)
IS 13010AC watt-hour meters, class 0.5, 1 & 2
IS 13779AC static watt-hour meters, class 1 & 2
IS 14697AC static transformer operated watt-hour and VAR-hour meters, class 0.2S & 0.5S
IS 15111 (Part 1 & 2)Self Ballasted Lamps for General Lighting Services – Part 1 : Safety Requirements & Part 2 : Performance Requirements
IS 302 (Part 2/Sec 3)Safety of household and similar electrical appliances – Electric iron
IS 302 (Part 2/Sec 201)Safety of household and similar electrical appliances– Electric immersion water-heaters
IS 302 (Part 2/Sec 202)Safety of household and similar electrical appliances –Electric stoves
IS 302 (Part 2/Sec 30)Safety of household and similar electrical appliances-Room heaters
IS 3854Switches for domestic and similar purposes
IS 418Tungsten filament general service electric lamps (upto100 W )
IS 694PVC insulated cables for working voltages up to and including 1100V
IS 8828 *Electrical Accessories-Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations
IS 9968 (Part 1)Elastomer insulated cables (Part.1): For working voltages up to and including1100 V
BatteriesIS 8144Multi-Purpose dry batteries
Food & Related ProductsIS 15757Follow–up formula –complimentary foods
IS 11536Processed cereal based complementary foods
IS 1165Milk-powder
IS 1166Condensed milk, partly skimmed and skimmed condensed milk
IS 12176Sweetened ultra high temperature treated condensed milk
IS 13334 (Part 1)Skimmed milk-powder, standard grade
IS 13334 (Part 2)Skimmed milk-powder, extra grade
IS 13428Packaged Natural Mineral Water
IS 14433Infant milk substitutes
IS 14542Partly skimmed milk powder
IS 14543Packaged Drinking Water (Other than Packaged Natural Mineral Water)
IS 1656Milk-cereal based weaning foods
IS 3470Hexane, Food grade
IS 14625Plastic Feeding Bottles
IS 5168Glass Feeding Bottles
Oil Pressure StovesIS 10109Oil pressure stove, offset burner type
IS 2787Multi-burner oil pressure stoves
IS 1342Oil pressure stoves
Automobile AccessoriesIS 13098Automotive vehicles –Tubes for pneumatic tyres
IS 15627Automotive vehicles– Pneumatic tyres for two and three-wheeled motor vehicles
IS 15633Automotive vehicles-Pneumatic tyres for passenger car vehicles– Diagonal and radial ply
IS 15636Automotive vehicles- Pneumatic tyres for commercial vehicles-Diagonal and radial ply
Cylinder, Valves and RegulationIS 14899Liquefied petroleum gas containers for automotive use
IS 15100Multifunction valve assembly for permanently fixed liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) containers for automotive use
IS 3196 (Part 4)Welded low carbon steel cylinders exceeding 5 litre Water capacity for low pressure liquefiable gases Part 4 Cylinders for toxic and corrosive gases
IS 3196 (Part 1)Welded low carbon steel gas cylinder exceeding 5 litre water capacity for low pressure liquefiable gases Part1 Cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
IS 3196 (Part 2)Welded low carbon steel gas cylinder exceeding 5-litre water capacity for low pressure liquefiable gases Part 2 Cylinders for liquefiable gases other than LPG.
IS 3224Valve fittings for compressed gas cylinder excluding liquefied petroleum gas cylinders
IS 3745Yoke Type Valve Connection for Small Medical Gas Cylinders
IS 7142Welded low carbon steel cylinders for low pressure liquefiable gases not exceeding 5 litre water capacity
IS 7285 (Part 1)Refillable Seamless steel gas cylinders Part1 Normalized steel cylinders
IS 7285 (Part 2)Refillable Seamless steel gas cylinders Part 2 Quenched and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength less than 1100 MPa (112 kgf/mm2)
IS 7302Valve fittings for gas cylinder valves for use with breathing apparatus
IS 7312Welded and seamless steel dissolved acetylene gas cylinders
IS 8737Valve fittings for use with liquefied petroleum gas cylinders of more than 5 litre water capacity Part 2 Valve fittings for newly manufactured LPG cylinders
IS 8776Valve Fittings for Use with Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Cylinders up to and Including 5-Litre Water Capacity
IS 9798Low pressure regulators for use with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) mixtures
Medical EquipmentIS 3055 (Part 1)Clinical thermometers :Part1 Solid stem type
IS 3055 (Part 2)Clinical thermometers :Part 2 Enclosed scale type
IS 7620 (Part 1)Diagnostic Medical X-Ray Equipment
Steel ProductsIS 1785 (Part-1) : 1983Specification for plain Harddrawn Steel Wire For Prestressed Concrete; Part 1 Cold – Drawn Stress relieved Wire.
IS 1785 (Part-2) : 1983Plain Hard-drawn Steel Wire for Pre-stressed Concrete; Part 2 as Drawn Wire
IS 6003 : 2010Indented Wire for Prestressed Concrete -Specification
IS 6006 : 2014Uncoated Stress Relieved Strand For Pre-stressed Concrete – Specification.
IS 13620 : 1993Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Bars – Specification.
IS 14268 : 1995Uncoated Stress Relieved Low Relaxation Seven- wire (ply) Strand for Pre-stressed Concrete – Specification.
IS 277 : 2018Galvanized Steel Sheets (Plain and Corrugated) – Specification.
IS 2002 : 2009Steel plates for pressure vessels for intermediate and high temperature service including boilers.
IS 2041 : 2009Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels Used at Moderate and Low Temperature –Specification.
IS 2830 : 2012Carbon steel cast billet ingots, billets, blooms and slabs for re-rolling into steel for general structural purposes – Specification.
IS 1786 : 2008High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement- Specification except for High strength deformed steel bars and wires of sizes less than 8 mm..
IS 648 : 2006Cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip – Fully processed type- Specification.
IS 3024 : 2015Grain Oriented Electrical Steel Sheet and Strip
IS 15391 : 2003Cold Rolled Non-Oriented Electrical Steel Sheet and Strip – Semi-Processed Type- Specification.
IS 1875 : 1992Carbon steel billets, blooms, slabs and bars for forgings.
IS 3502 : 2009Steel Chequered Plates.
IS 2062 : 2011Hot rolled medium high tensile structural steel except for bars and rods of diameter or thickness less than 6 mm and structural below 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm
IS 432 : Part 1 : 1982Mild Steel andMedium Tensile Steel Bars and Hard–Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement: Part 1 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars.
IS 432 : Part 2 : 1982Mild steel and Medium Tensile steel bars and Hard–Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement: Part 2 Hard-Drawn Steel Wire.
IS 513 (Part 1) : 2016Cold reduced carbon steel sheets and strip Part 1 Cold Forming and Drawing Purpose (Sixth Revision).
IS 513 (Part 2) : 2016Cold reduced low carbon steel sheets and strip Part 2 High Tensile and Multi-phase Steel (Sixth Revision).
IS 1079 : 2017Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet, Plate and Strip.
IS 2879 : 1998Mild steel for metal arc welding electrodes.
IS 5872 : 1990Cold Rolled Steel Strips (Box Strappings).
IS 5986 : 2017Hot Rolled Steel Sheet, Plate and Strip for Forming and Flanging purposes.
IS 6240 : 2008Hot Rolled Steel Plate (up to 6 mm) Sheet and Strip for the Manufacture of Low Pressure Liquefiable Gas Cylinders
IS 7283 : 1992Hot Rolled bars for production of bright bars and machined parts for engineering applications.
IS 7887 : 1992Mild steel wire rods for general engineering purposes.
IS 10748: 2004Hot Rolled Steel Strip for Welded Tubes and Pipes.
IS 11513 : 2017Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Strip For Cold Rolling Purposes.
IS 15647 : 2006Hot rolled steel narrow width strip for welded tubes and pipes.
IS 7904 : 2018High carbon steel wire rods- Specification
IS 14246 : 2013Continuously pre-painted galvanized steel sheets and coils
IS 15965 : 2012Pre–painted aluminium zinc alloy metallic coated steel strip and sheet (plain).
IS 280:2006Mild steel wire for General Engineering purposes.
IS 1835 : 1976Round Steel wire for ropes
IS 3975: 1999Low Carbon Galvanized steel wires formed wires and Tapes for armouring of Cables
IS 4368:1967Alloy Steel billets, blooms and slabs for forging for general engineering purposes.
IS 4454 (Part 1) : 2001Steel wire for mechanical springs Part-1 cold drawn unalloyed steel wire.
IS 4454 (Part 2): 2001Steel wire for mechanical springs Part-2 oil hardened and tempered steel wire.
IS 4824:2006Bead Wires for Tyres
IS 11169 (Part 1): 1984Steels for Cold Heading/Cold extrusion application Part-1 Wrought carbon and low alloy steels
IS 11587:1986Structural Weather resistant steel.
IS 15103: 2002Fire resistant Steel- Specification
IS 15914:2011High Tensile Strength Flat Rolled Steel Plate (Up to 6 mm), Sheet and Strip for the Manufacture of Welded Gas Cylinder.
IS 15961:2012Hot Dip aluminium- Zinc alloy metallic coated steel strip and sheet (Plain)
IS 15962:2012Structural Steel for Building for Structures with improved seismic Resistance
IS 6527:1995Stainless Steel wire Rod
IS 6528:1995Stainless Steel Wires
IS 6603:2001Stainless Steel Bars and Flats
IS 5522:2014Stainless Steel sheets and strips for utensils- Specification
IS 6911:2017Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip- Specification
IS 15997:2012Low Nickel Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip For Utensils and Kitchen Applications- Specification
IS 1110 : 1990Ferrosilicon – Specification
IS 4409 : 1973Specification for Ferronickel
IS 1029 : 1970Specification for Hot rolled steel strip (bailing)
IS 2385 : 1977Specification for Hot-rolled mild steel sheet and strip in coil form for cold-reduced tinplate and cold-reduced black plate
IS 3039 : 1988Specification for Structural steel for construction of hulls of ships
IS 9550 : 2001Bright steel bars – v Specification
IS 3748 : 1990Tool and die steels – Specification
IS 5517 : 1993Steel for hardening and tempering – Specification
IS 7291 : 1981Specification for High speed tool steels
IS 7494 : 1981Specification for Steel for valves for internal combustion engines
IS 12146 : 1987Specification for Carbon manganese steel forgings for pressure vessels
IS 16585 : 2016Magnetic materials – specification for individual material – Fe based amorphous strip delivered in the semi-processed state.
IS 2831 : 2012Carbon steel cast billet ingots, billets, blooms and slabs for re-rolling into structural steel (ordinary quality) – Specification.
 Stampings/laminations/cores of transformers (with or without winding)
IS 8329 : 2000Centrifugally cast (spun) ductile iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
IS 9523:2000Ductile iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
IS 1161:2014Steel tubes for structural purposes
IS 1239 (Part 1):2014Steel Tubes, Tubulars and Other Wrought Steel Fittings – Part 1 : Steel Tubes
IS 4270:2001Steel tubes used for water-wells (upto 200 mm dia)
Electrical TransformersIS 1180 (Part 1)Out door type Oil immersed Distribution Transformers upto and including 2500 kVA, 33 KV-specification Part 1 Mineral oil immersed
Electrical MotorsIS 12615Energy Efficient Induction Motors-Three Phase Squirrel Cage
CapacitorsIS 2993A.C. motor capacitors
IS 13340Power Capacitors of Self-healing Type for AC Power Systems having Rated Voltage up to 650V
IS 13585 Part 1Shunt Power Capacitors of the Non-Self-Healing Type for AC System having a Rated Voltage up to and Including 1000V Part-1 General Performance, Testing amd Rating Safety Requirements Guide for Installation and Operation
Chemicals & FertilizersIS 252:2013Caustic Soda -Specification
IS 10116 : 2015Boric Acid – Specification
IS 15573Poly Aluminium Chloride
IS 695Acetic Acid
IS 2833Aniline
IS 517Methanol
Kitchen AppliancesIS 302 (Part 2/ Section 14)Hand-held Blender
IS 4250Domestic Electric Food Mixer (Liquidizers and Grinders) and Centrifugal Juicer
Domestic Water Heaters for use with LPGIS 15558Instantaneous Domestic Water Heater for use with Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Air Conditioner and its related Parts, Hermetic Compressor and Temperature Sensing ControlsIS 1391 (Part-1): 2017Room Air Conditioners- Specification Part 1 Unitary Air Conditioners
IS 1391 (Part-2): 2018Room Air Conditioners- Specification Part 2 Split Air Conditioners
IS 8148:2018Ducted and Package Air Conditioners
IS 11329:2018Finned type Heat Exchanger for Room Air Conditioner
IS 10617:2018Hermetic compressor , Hermetic Compressors-Specification
IS/IEC 60730 (Part 2) Section 9: 2011Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use Part 2 Particular Requirements Section 9 Temperature Sensing Controls
Plugs and Socket-Outlets and Alternating Current Direct Connected Static Prepayment Meters for Active EnergyIS 1293 : 2005Plugs and socket-outlets of Rated Voltage up to and including 250 Volts and Rated current up to and including 16 amperes
IS 15884:2010Alternating Current Direct Connected Static Prepayment Meters for Active Energy (Class1 and 2)
Domestic Gas Stoves for use with Liquefied Petroleum GasesIS 4246: 2002Domestic Gas Stoves for use with Liquefied Petroleum Gases
Transparent Float GlassIS 14900: 2018Transparent Float Glass
Domestic Pressure CookerIS 2347:2017Domestic Pressure Cooker
CablesIS 1554(Part 1) : 1988Specification for PVC Insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables Part 1 For Working Voltages up to and Including 1100 V
IS 1554(Part 2) : 1988Specification for PVC Insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables Part 2 For Working Voltages from 3.3 kV up to and Including 11 kV
IS 7098 (Part 1) : 1988Specification for Crosslinked Polyethylene Insulated PVC Sheathed Cables Part 1 for working voltages up to and including 1100 V
IS 7098 (Part 2) : 2011Crosslinked polyethylene insulated Thermoplastics sheathed cables – Specification Part 2 for working voltages from 3.3 kV up to and including 33 kV
IS 7098 (Part 3) : 1993Cross-Linked Polyethylene Insulated Thermoplastics Sheathed Cables Part 3 For Working Voltages from 66 kV Up to and Including 220 kV
IS 14255 : 1995Aerial Bunched Cables – For Working Voltages Up to and Including 1100 Volts – Specification
IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002Specification for Elastomer Insulated Cables Part 2 For Working Voltages form 3.3 kV Up to and Including 33 kV
IS 8784 : 1987Specification for Thermocouple Compensating Cables
IS 9857 : 1990Welding Cables – Specification
IS 14494 : 2019Elastomer Insulated Flexible Cables for Use in Mines – Specification
IS 2593 : 1984Specification for Flexible Cables for Miner’s Cap-Lamps
IS 5950 : 1984Specification for Shot Firing Cables (for use other than in shafts)
IS 17048 : 2018Halogen Free Flame Retardant (HFFR) Cables for Working Voltages Up to and Including 1100 V – Specification

Certification Scheme II (Registration Scheme)

Product CategoryProduct Sub-CategoryIS No.Title
Electronics and IT GoodsElectronic Games (Video)IS 616Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus – Safety Requirements
Laptop/Notebook/TabletsIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment – Safety – General Requirements
Plasma/ LCD/LED Televisions of screen size 32″ & aboveIS 616Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus – Safety Requirements
Optical Disc Players with built in amplifiers of input power 200W and aboveIS 616Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus – Safety Requirements
Microwave OvensIS 302-2-25Safety of household and similar electrical appliances: Part 2 Particular requirements: Section 25 Microwave ovens
Visual Display Units, Video Monitors of screen size 32″ & aboveIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment – Safety – General Requirements
Printers, PlottersIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment – Safety – General Requirements
ScannersIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment – Safety – General Requirements
Wireless KeyboardsIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment – Safety – General Requirements
Telephone Answering MachinesIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment – Safety – General Requirements
Amplifiers with input power 2000W and aboveIS 616Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus – Safety Requirements
Electronic Musical Systems with input power 200W and aboveIS 616Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus – Safety Requirements
Electronic Clocks with Mains PowersIS 302-2:26Safety of household and similar electrical appliances: Part 2 Particular requirements: Section 26 Clocks
Set Top BoxIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment – Safety – General Requirements
Automatic Data Processing MachineIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment – Safety – General Requirements
Power Adaptors for IT EquipmentsIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment- Safety General Requirements
Power Adaptors for Audio, Video & Similar Electronic ApparatusIS 616Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus-Safety Requirements
UPS/Invertors of rating≤5kVAIS 16242 (Part 1)General and Safety Requirements for UPS
DC or AC Supplied Electronic Control gear for LED ModulesIS 15885 (Part 2/Sec 13)Safety of Lamp Control gear Part 2 Particular Requirements Section 13 d.c. or a.c. Supplied Electronic Control gear for LED Modules
Sealed Secondary Cells/Batteries containing Alkaline or other non-acid Electrolytes for use in portable applicationsIS 16046Secondary Cells and Batteries containing Alkaline or other non-acid Electrolytes-Safety Requirements for Portable sealed secondary cells, and for Batteries made from them for use in portable applications
Self-Ballasted LED Lamps for General Lighting ServicesIS 16102(Part 1)Self-Ballasted LED Lamps for General Lighting Services Part 1 Safety Requirements
Fixed General Purpose LED Luminaries10322 (Part 5/Sec 1)Luminaries Part 5 Particular Requirements Sec 1 Fixed General purpose luminaries
Mobile PhonesIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment-Safety-General Requirements
Cash RegistersIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment-Safety-General Requirements
Point of Sale TerminalsIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment-Safety-General Requirements
Copying Machines/DuplicatorsIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment-Safety-General Requirements
Smart Card ReadersIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment-Safety-General Requirements
Mail Processing Machines/Postage Machines/Franking MachinesIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment-Safety-General Requirements
Passport ReaderIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment-Safety-General Requirements
Power Banks for use in portable applicationsIS 13252 (Part 1)Information Technology Equipment-Safety-General Requirements
Mobile PhonesIS 16333 (Part-3)Mobile Phone Handsets Part 3 Indian Language Support for Mobile Phone Handsets – Specific Requirements
Recessed LED LuminariesIS 10322 (Part 5/Section 2): 2012Luminaires Part 5: Particular Requirements Section 2 Recessed Luminaires
LED Luminaires for Road and Street lightingIS 10322 (Part 5/Section 3): 2012Luminaires – Part 5: Particular Requirements Section 3 Luminaires for Road and Street Lighting
LED Flood LightsIS 10322 (Part 5/Section 5): 2013Luminaires – Part 5: Particular Requirements Section 5 Flood Lights
LED Hand lampsIS 10322 (Part 5/Section 6): 2013Luminaires – Part 5: Particular Requirements Section 6 Hamp Lamps
LED Lighting ChainsIS 10322 (Part 5/Section 7): 2013Luminaires – Part 5: Particular Requirements Section 7 Lighting Chains
LED Luminaires for Emergency LightingIS 10322 (Part 5/Section 8): 2013Luminaires – Part 5: Particular Requirements Section 8 Luminaires for Emergency Lighting
UPS/Inverters of rating ≤ 10kVAIS 16242 (Part 1):2014General and Safety Requirements for UPS
Plasma/ LCD/LED Television of screen size up-to 32”IS 616:2010Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus – Safety Requirements
Visual Display Units, Video Monitors of screen size up-to 32”IS 13252 (Part 1):2010Information Technology Equipment –Safety General Requirements
CCTV Cameras/CCTV RecordersIS 13252 (Part 1):2010Information Technology Equipment –Safety General Requirements
Adapters for household and similar electrical appliancesIS 302 (Part 1): 2008Safety of Household and similar electrical appliances Part 1 General requirements
USB driven Barcode readers, barcode scanners, Iris scanners, Optical fingerprint scannersIS 13252 (Part 1):2010Information Technology Equipment –Safety General Requirements
Smart watchesIS 13252 (Part 1):2010Information Technology Equipment –Safety General Requirements
Solar Photovoltaics, Systems, Devices and ComponentsCrystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) modules (Si wafer based)IS 14286
IS/IEC 61730 -1
IS/IEC 61730 -2
Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design Qualification And Type Approval
Thin-Film Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules (a-Si, CiGs and CdTe)IS 16077
IS/IEC 61730 -1
IS/IEC 61730 -2
Thin-Film Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules – Design Qualification and Type Approval
Power converters for use in photovoltaic power systemIS 16221 (Part 2)Safety of Power Converters for Use in Photovoltaic Power Systems Part 2-Particular Requirements for Inverters
Utility –Interconnected Photovoltaic invertersIS 16169Test Procedure of Islanding Prevention Measures for Utility-Interconnected Photovoltaic Inverters
Storage batteryIS 16270Secondary Cells and Batteries for Solar Photovoltaic Application General-Requirements and Methods of Test

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AIS Standards

Hier finden Sie eine Liste zu den geltenden AIS-Standards für TAC-genehmigungspflichtige Produkte.

Für weitere Informationen zur TAC/AIS-Zertifizierung lesen Sie bitte unser kostenfreies Info-Paket „TAC/AIS-Zertifizierung – Wegweiser“.

AIS – No.Title
AIS-001(Part 1)(Rev. 1): 2011Automotive Vehicles – Approval of Devices for Indirect Vision Intended for use on M, N Category and L Category with Bodywork Vehicles – Specification
AIS-001(Part 2) (Rev.1): 2011Automotive Vehicles – Approval of Rear-View Mirrors Intended for use on L Category Vehicles without Bodywork Partly or Wholly Encloses the Driver – Specification
Amd. 1
Automotive Vehicles – Rear – View Mirrors – Installation Requirements
AIS-002 (Part1) (Rev. 1): 2011Automotive Vehicles – Approval of Devices for Indirect Vision intended for use on L category with bodywork vehicles, M and N category – Installation requirements
AIS-002(Part 2) (Rev.1): 2011Automotive Vehicles – Approval of Rear-View Mirrors Intended for use on L Category Vehicles without Bodywork Partly or Wholly Encloses the Driver – Installation Requirements
AIS-003 / 1999Automotive Vehicles – Starting Grade ability – Method of Measurement and Requirements.
(Incorporating Amend. 1 and 2)(Incorporating Amendment No. 1 / September 1999 and Amendment No. 2 / September 2000).
Amd. 3/ May 2002Amend. No. 03 / May 2002.
Draft AIS- 003(Rev.1/D1/ July 2007Automotive Vehicles – Starting Gradeability – Method of Measurement and Requirement
AIS-004(Part 1) / 1999Electromagnetic Radiation from Automotive Vehicle – Permissible Levels and Methods of Tests.
Amd. No.1Amendment No. 1
Amd. No.2Amendment No. 1
AIS-004 (Part 2)Electromagnetic Radiated Immunity of Automotive Vehicles – Requirements & Methods of Tests
AIS-004(Part 3)
Corrigendum 1
Amd. 1
Automotive Vehicles – Requirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility
AIS-005 / 2000Automotive Vehicles – Safety Belt Assemblies – Specifications.
Amend. 1/ May 2002Amend. No. 1 / May 2002.
AIS-006Automotive vehicle-Bumper Fitment on M1 Vehicles – Test Methods.
AIS-007 (Rev.5)
Amd No. 1
Amd No. 2
Amd No. 3
Amd No. 4
Amd No. 5
Information on Technical Specifications to be Submitted by the Vehicle Manufacturer
AIS-008 / 2001
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Installation requirements of Lighting and Light- Signalling Devices for Motor Vehicle having more than three Wheels, Trailer and Semi-Trailer excluding Agricultural Tractor and Special Purpose Vehicle
AIS-008(Revision 1)
Amd No. 1/ August 2013
Amd No. 4
Amd No.2 Amd No. 3
Installation Requirements of Lighting and Light-Signalling Devices for Motor Vehicle having more than Three Wheels, Trailer and Semi-Trailer excluding Agricultural Tractor and Special Purpose Vehicle
Draft AIS-008 (Rev.2)/D1/August 2017Installation Requirements of Lighting and Light – Signalling Devices for Motor Vehicle having more than Three Wheels including Quadricycles, Trailer and Semi-Trailer excluding Agricultural Tractors
AIS-009 / 2001
Amd No. 1
Automotive Vehicles – Installation Requirements of Lighting and Light-Signalling Devices for 2 and 3 Wheelers, their Trailers and Semi-Trailers
AIS-009 (Rev.1):2011
Amd.No.1 Amd No. 2
Automotive Vehicles – Installation Requirements of Lighting and Light-Signalling Devices for L Category Vehicles, their Trailers and Semi-Trailers
Draft AIS-009 (Rev.2) /D1/Au gust 2017Automotive Vehicles – Installation Requirements of Lighting and Light-Signalling Devices for L Category Vehicles, their Trailers and Semi-Trailers
Amd. No. 1
Performance Requirements of Lighting and Light- Signalling Devices for 2 and 3 Wheeled Motor Vehicles, their Trailers and Semi-trailers and Vehicles treated as such
AIS-010 (Part 1) (Rev.1):2010Provisions concerning the Approval of Headlamps emitting an Asymmetrical Passing Beam or a Driving Beam or both and equipped with Filament Lamps and/or LED Modules
Draft AIS-010 (Part 1) (Rev. 2) /D0 / January 2018Provisions concerning the Approval of Headlamps emitting an asymmetrical Passing Beam or a Driving Beam or both and equipped with Filament Lamps and/or LED Modules
AIS-010 (Part 2) (Rev.1):2010Provisions concerning the Approval of Headlamps emitting a Symmetrical Passing Beam or a Driving Beam or Both and equipped with Filament Lamps or Gas-Discharge Light Sources
Draft AIS-010 (Rev.2) Part 2/D1 /August 2017Provisions of motor vehicle headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing beam or a driving beam or both and equipped with filament, gas-discharge light sources or LED Modules
AIS-010 (Part 3) (Rev.1):2010
Amd No.1
Provisions concerning the Approval of Front Position Lamps, Rear Position Lamps, Stop Lamps, Direction Indicators, Rear-Registration Plate Illuminating Devices and Reversing Lamp for Vehicles of Category L and their Trailers and Semi-trailers
Draft AIS-010 (Rev. 2) Part 3/D1 / August 2017Provisions concerning the Approval of Front Position Lamps, Rear Position Lamps, Stop Lamps, Direction Indicators, Rear- Registration Plate Illuminating Devices and Reversing Lamp for Vehicles of Category L and their Trailers and Semi-trailers
AIS-010 (Part 4) (Rev.1):2010Provisions concerning the Approval of Headlamps equipped with Gas Discharge Light Sources
AIS-010 (Part 5) (Rev.1):2010Requirements of Chromaticity Co-ordinates of colour of Light emitted from Lighting and Light- Signalling Devices
Draft AIS-010 (Part 5) (Rev.2)/D2 /Jan. 2018Requirements of Chromaticity Co-ordinates of colour of Light emitted from Lighting and Light- Signalling Devices
AIS-011 / 2001Automotive Vehicles – Testing Procedure for Wind Screen Wiping System for 4 wheelers other than M1 Category of Vehicles.
Amd. No.1 Amd.No.2Amendment No.1
AIS-012Performance Requirements of Lighting and Light-Signalling Devices for Motor vehicle having more than Three-Wheels, Trailer, Semi- Trailer.
AIS-012 (Part 1)(Rev. 1): 2011
Amd. No. 1
Performance Requirements for Front Fog Lamps for Motor Vehicles
AIS-012 (Part 2)(Rev. 1):2011Performance Requirements for Rear Fog Lamps for Motor Vehicles
AIS-012 (Part 3)(Rev. 1):2011Performance Requirements for Cornering Lamps for Motor Vehicles
AIS-012 (Part 4)(Rev. 1):2011
Amd No. 1/ August 2013
Draft Amd. 2
Performance Requirements for Rear Registration Plate (mark) Illuminating Lamp Rear Registration Plates for Motor Vehicles
AIS-012 (Part 5)(Rev. 1):2011Performance Requirements for Direction Indicators for Motor Vehicles
AIS-012 (Part 6)(Rev. 1):2011
Amd No. 1/ August 2013
Performance Requirements for Front and Rear Position (Side) Lamps, Stop-Lamps and End-outline Marker Lamps for Motor Vehicles
AIS-012 (Part 7)Performance Requirements for Reversing Lamps for Motor Vehicles
(Rev. 1):2011
Draft Amd. 1
AIS-012 (Part 9)(Rev. 1):2011Performance Requirements for Side-Marker Lamps for Motor Vehicles
AIS-012 (Part 10)(Rev. 1):2011
Draft Amd. 1
Performance Requirements for Daytime Running Lamps for Motor Vehicles
Amd. 1
Automotive Vehicles – Spray Suppression Systems.
AIS-013 (Rev.1)/:2014Automotive Vehicles – Spray Suppression Systems.
AIS-014 / 2001
Amd. No.1 Amd. No.2 Amd. No. 3
Automotive Vehicles – Horn Installation Requirement
AIS-015/ 2000Automotive Vehicles – Safety Belt Anchorages – Specifications
AIS-016 / 2000Automotive Vehicles – Seats, their Anchorages and Head Restraints for Category M1 – Specifications.
AIS-017 / 2000
Amd. 1
Procedure for Type Approval and Certification of Vehicles for Compliance to Central Motor Vehicles Rules.
AIS-017 (Part 2)(Rev. 1)Procedure for Type Approval, Certification of Agricultural Tractors for Compliance to Central Motor Vehicles Rules
Draft AIS-017 (Rev-1) (Part 1) /D1/December 2013Procedure for type approval and certification of vehicles for compliance to central motor vehicles rules
Draft AIS-017 (Part 2) (Rev.2)/F/ June 2016Procedure for Type Approval & Certification of Agricultural Tractors for Compliance to Central Motor Vehicles Rules
Draft AIS–017 (Part 4) (Rev.1)/D1/Aug 15Procedure for Conformity of Production of Agricultural Tractors for compliance to Central Motor Vehicles Rules
Draft AIS- 017(Part 5) (Rev.1) /D1/Aug 2015Criteria for Vehicle Types, Variants and Versions
AIS-018 / 2001
Amend. No.1/ June 2002
Draft Amd. No. 5
Amd. No. 4
Amd. No.2 Amd.No. 3
Automotive Vehicles – Speed Limitation Devices – Specifications.
Amend. No. 1 / June 2002 Amendment No.2
AIS-019 / 2001
Amd. No. 1
Automotive Vehicles – Wind Screen Wiping and Washing System for M1 Category of vehicles.
AIS-020Automotive vehicles – Interior Noise – Method of Measurement and Requirements
Amd. No.1 Amd. No.2
Field of Vision of Motor Vehicle Drivers for M1 Category
AIS-022 /2001
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Amd. No. 3
Amd. No. 4
Amd. No. 5
Automotive Vehicles – Advance – Warning Triangles – Specifications.
AIS – 023
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Amd. No. 3
Amd. No. 4
Automotive Vehicles – Seats, their Anchorages and Head Restraints for Passenger Vehicles of Categories M2, M3 and Goods Vehicles of Category N – Specifications.
AIS-024(Version 3)
Amd. 2
Amd. 3
Amd. 4
Amd. 5
Amd. 6
Amd. 7
Amd. 8
Safety and Procedural Requirements for Type Approval of CNG operated Vehicles.
AIS-024(Version 4)Safety and Procedural Requirements for Type Approval of CNG Operated Vehicles (Dedicated, Bi- Fuel & Dual Fuel) and Code of Practice for Use of CNG Fuel in Internal Combustion Engined Vehicles
AIS-024(Version 5)Safety and procedural requirements for type approval of CNG/Bio-CNG/LNG operated vehicles (DEDICATED, BI-FUEL & DUAL FUEL)
AIS-025(Version 3)
Amd. 6
Amd. 7
Amd.2 Amd.3 Amd.4 Amd. 5
Safety and Procedural Requirements for Type Approval of LPG operated vehicles.
AIS-026(Version 3)Code of Practice for use of LPG Fuel in Internal Combustion Engine to Power 4 Wheeled Vehicles.
AIS-027(Version 3)Code of Practice for use of LPG Fuel in Internal Combustion Engine to Power 2 & 3 Wheeled Vehicles.
AIS-028(Version 3)
Amd. No. 1 Amd. No.2
Code of Practice for use of CNG Fuel in Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles.
AIS-028(Version 4)Code of Practice for use of CNG Fuel in Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles.
AIS-028(Version 5)Code of practice for use of CNG/Bio-CNG/LNG fuel in internal combustion engined vehicles
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Amd. No. 3
Amd. No. 4
Amd. No. 5
Survival Space for the Protection of the Occupants of the Cab of a Commercial Vehicle
AIS-030/2001Installation Requirements for Lighting and Light- Signalling Devices for Agricultural Tractor.
AIS-030 (Rev.1)/2012Installation Requirements for Lighting and Light- Signalling Devices for Agricultural Tractor.
Amd. No.1
Amd. No.2
Amd. No.3
Amd. No.4
Automotive Vehicles – The Strength of Superstructure of Large Passenger Vehicles
AIS-033/2001Automotive Vehicles – Plastic Fuel Tanks for Four Wheelers.
Amd. 1
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Automobile Lamps
AIS-034 (Part 1) (Rev.1):2010
Amd. No. 1
Provisions concerning the Approval of Filament Lamps for use in Approved Lamp Units on Power-driven Vehicles and their Trailers
AIS-034(Part 2) (Rev.1):2010Provisions concerning the Approval of Gas-discharge Light Sources for use in Approved Gas-discharge Lamp units of Power-driven Vehicles
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Automotive Vehicles- The Arrangement of Foot Controls of Vehicles
Amd. No.1 Amd. No.2
Amd. No. 3
Amd. No. 4
Amd. No. 5
Amd. No. 6
Amd. No. 7
Amd. No. 8
Procedure for Type Approval and Establishing Conformity of Production for Safety Critical Components
AIS-038Battery Operated Vehicles – Requirements for Construction and Functional Safety
AIS-038 (Rev.1):2015Electric Power Train Vehicles- Construction and Functional Safety Requirements
AIS-039Battery Operated Vehicles – Measurement of Electrical Energy Consumption
AIS-039 (Rev.1):2015Electric Power Train Vehicles– Measurement of Electrical Energy Consumption
AIS-040Battery Operated Vehicles – Method of Measuring the Range
AIS-040 (Rev.1):2015Electric Power Train Vehicles – Method of Measuring the Range
AIS-041Battery Operated Vehicles – Measurement of Net Power and the Max. 30 Min. Power
AIS-041(Rev.1):2015Electric Power Train Vehicles Measurement of Net Power and The Maximum 30 Minute Power
corrigendum 1
Agricultural Tractors – Steering Efforts Requirements.
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Amd. No. 3
Draft Amd.4 to AIS-043
Recommendation of Braking System and Performance Requirements for the combination of Agricultural Tractor and Trailer
AIS-044 Part 1
Amd. 1
Amd. 2
Automotive Vehicles – Pneumatic Tyres for Commercial Vehicles.
AIS-044 Part 2
Amd. 1
Amd. 2
Automotive Vehicles – Pneumatic Tyres for Passenger Cars.
AIS-044 Part 3
Amd. 1
Amd. 2
Automotive Vehicles – Pneumatic Tyres for Two and Three-Wheeled Motor Vehicles.
Amd. 1
Automotive vehicles – Windscreen Wiping system for 3- wheeler vehicles and vehicles treated as such
Amd. 1
Amd. 2
Automotive Vehicles – Hand-Holds for Three, Four and More than Four Wheeled Motor Vehicles – Specification
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Amd. No. 3
Automotive Vehicles – Interior Fittings – Specifications for other than M1 Category Vehicles
Amd. 1
Battery Operated Vehicles – Safety Requirements of Traction Batteries
Amd. No. 1 Amd. No.2
CMVR Type Approval for Battery Operated Vehicles.
AIS-049(Rev.1)Electric Power Train Vehicles – CMVR Type Approval for Electric Power Train Vehicles
AIS- 050Amd.1 Amd.2Requirements for Vehicles with regard to Selection and Approval for use of Tyres for Two and Three- Wheelers
AIS-051Amd. 1 Amd.2Requirements for Vehicles with regard to Selection and Approval or use of Tyres for other than Two and Three-Wheelers.
AIS-052 (Rev 1)
(amalgamating Amendments 1to 8)
Code of Practice for Bus Body Design and Approval
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Amd. No. 3
Amd. No. 4 Amd No.5 Corrigendum 1
Automotive Vehicles – Types – Terminology
AIS-055Automotive CNG / LPG Vehicles – Test Method to Evaluate the Range.
AIS-056Automotive Vehicles – Methods of Enhancing Comfort in Rider Cabin
AIS-056(Rev.1)Requirements of Truck Cabin Ventilation System for Category N2 & N3 Vehicles
Amd. No. 1
Performance Requirements for Retro-Reflecting Devices for Power-Driven Vehicles and their Trailers
AIS-057 (Rev.1):2010Provisions concerning the Approval of Retro-Reflecting Devices for Power Driven Vehicles and their Trailers
Draft AIS-057 (Rev.1)/D1/August 2017Performance Requirements for Retro-Reflecting Devices for Motor Vehicles and their Trailers
AIS-058(Part1) Amd. No. 1Protective Helmets for Motor Cycle Riders.
AIS-058 (Part 2)Visors of Protective Helmets for Motorcycle Riders – Specification
AIS-059Automotive Vehicles – Recording Equipment in Road Vehicles (Tachograph)
AIS-060General Guidelines on Control Cables for Automobiles
AIS-061Guideline Specifications for Replacement Brake Lining Assemblies and Drum Brake Linings for Power-Driven Vehicles and their Trailers
Amd. No. 1
Performance requirements for Lighting and Light- Signalling Devices for Agricultural Tractors.
AIS 062 (Rev.1)Performance requirements for Lighting and Light-Signalling Devices for Agricultural Tractors.
(amalgamating Amendments 1 to 9)
Requirements for School Buses
AIS-064 (Part 1)Automotive Vehicles- Retreaded Pneumatic Tyres for Commercial Vehicles
AIS-064 (Part 2)Automotive Vehicles- Retreaded Pneumatic Tyres for Passenger Car
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Amd. No. 3
Statutory Plates and Inscriptions for Motor Vehicles, their Location and Method of attachment – Vehicle Identification Numbering System.
AIS-066Guidelines for Analysis of Automotive Rubbers by Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectrometry (FTIR) and Thermo gravimetry (TGA) Techniques
Amd. No. 1
Requirements for Windows fitted on Buses
AIS-069Approval of:
I. Front Underrun Protective Devices (FUPDs)
II. Vehicles with regard to the installation of FUPD of an Approved Type
III. Vehicles with regard to the installation of FUPD of an Approved Type
Amd. No.1
Requirements of Temporary Cabin for Drive- Away-Chassis Configuration / Vehicles
AIS-071 (Part 1)
Amd. 1 Draft Amd. 2
Automotive Vehicles – Identification of Controls Tell-Tales and Indicators
AIS-071 (Part 2)
Amd. 1
Automotive Vehicles – Control Location and Operation Requirements
AIS- 072
Amd. 1
Amd. 2
Approval of Restraining Devices for Child Occupants of Power- Driven Vehicles(“Child Restraint System”)
AIS-073(Part 1)
Amd. No. 1
Automotive Vehicles – Wheel Rims for Two and Three Wheeled Vehicles – Light Alloy Wheel Rims – Method of Test and Requirements
AIS-073(Part 2)
Amd. No. 1
Automotive Vehicles – Wheel Rims for Two and Three Wheeled Vehicles – Sheet Metal Wheel Rims – Method of Test and Requirements
AIS-073(Part 3)
Amd. 1
Amd. 2
Automotive Vehicles –Wheel Rims for Two and Three Wheeled Vehicles –Spoke Wheel Rims – Method of test and Requirements
Amd. 1
Approval of Vehicles with regard to their Protection against Unauthorized use –Two and Three Wheeled Vehicles
Amd. 1
Amd. 2
Approval of Vehicles with regard to their Protection against Unauthorized use – Four Wheeled Vehicles
Amd. 1
Amd. 2
Approval of Vehicle Alarm Systems (VAS) for M1 and N1 Category of Vehicles and of these Vehicles with regard to their Alarm Systems (AS)
AIS-077Specification for Automotive Timing Belts
AIS-078Specification for Automotive V Belts
AIS-079Procedure for Performance Evaluation on Rubber to Metal Bonded Components
AIS-080Procedure for Evaluation of Rubber Bushing Components
AIS-081Classification and Test Requirements for Automotive Rubber Gaskets
AIS-082Requirements for IC Engine Coolant Hoses
AIS-083Headlamp Cleaners and their Fitment on Power Driven Vehicles with regard to Headlamp Cleaners
AIS-084 (Part1)
Amd. No. 1 Amd No. 2/ August 2013
Automotive Vehicles – Performance requirements of Demisting Systems of Glazed Surfaces (Wind Screen) of Motor Vehicles
AIS-084 (Part 2)
Amd. No. 1 Amd No. 2/ August 2013
Automotive Vehicles – Performance requirements of Defrosting Systems of Glazed Surfaces (Wind Screen) of Motor Vehicles
AIS-085Automotive Vehicles-Weather Strips- Specification
AIS-086Specification for Oil Seals and ‘O’ Rings for Automotive Application
AIS-087Guidelines for analysis of Elastomeric Sound Deadner (Under seal) Silencer
AIS-088Performance requirements of Rear Marking Plates (Rear Warning Triangles) for Slow Moving Vehicles (By Construction), Agricultural Tractors, their Trailers and Semi-Trailers
Amd. 1
Approval of Rear Marking Plates for Heavy and Long Vehicles
AIS-090Approval of Retro-Reflective Markings for Heavy and Long Vehicles, their Trailers and Semi-trailers
AIS-091 (Part 1)Automotives Vehicles- Mechanical Coupling Components of Combinations of Vehicles other than Agricultural Tractors – Requirements
AIS-091 (Part 2)Requirements of Mechanical Couplings between Agricultural Tractor and Towed Vehicle and Vertical Load on the Coupling Point
Draft AIS-091 (Part 3) /D7/22nd Nov. 2017Interchangeability dimensions for ensuring safe coupling between N3 category Haulage Tractors and T3 & T4 category Semi-Trailers
AIS-092Approval of:
I. A Close-Coupling Device (CCD)
II. Vehicles with Regard to the fitting of an Approved Type of CCD
AIS-093Code of Practice for Construction and Approval of Truck Cabs, Truck Bodies and Trailers
AIS-093 (Rev.1): 2015
Amd. No. 1 Amd. No.2
Code of Practice for Construction and Approval of Truck Cabs & Truck Bodies
Amd 1 16 May 2014
Requirements for Metallic Fuel Tanks of Automotive Vehicles
Amd No. 1
Amd No. 2
Amd No. 3
Amd No. 4
Requirements for Behavior of Steering Mechanism of a Vehicle in a Head-on Collision
AIS-097Procedure for determining the „H“ Point and the Torso Angle for 50th percentile Adult Male in seating positions of Motor Vehicles.
Amd No. 1 Amd. No.2
Requirements for the Protection of the Occupants in the event of an Offset Frontal Collision
Amd No. 1 Amd. No.2
Approval of Vehicles with regards to the Protection of the Occupants in the event of a Lateral Collision
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Requirements for the Protection of Pedestrian & other Vulnerable Road Users in the event of a Collision with a Motor Vehicle
Amd. No.1
Requirements for the Protection of Fuel System in the Event of Rear Impact of a Motor Vehicle
AIS-102 (Part 1)
Amd. No.1 Amd. No.2
CMVR Type Approval for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
AIS-102 (Part 2)CMVR Type Approval for Hybrid Electric Vehicles of M and N Category with GVW > 3500 kg
AIS-103Automotive Vehicles – Spray-Suppression Systems for Two Wheeled Motor Vehicles
Amd. No.1
Technical Requirements of Fuel Tanks for Agricultural Tractors
AIS-105Requirements of Ballast Mass for Agricultural Tractors
AIS-106Requirements of Load Platforms of Agricultural Tractors
AIS-107Requirements of Driver’s Field of Vision for Agricultural Tractors
Finalised Draft AIS-108/F/ Nov. 2007Agricultural Tractors -Rear Mounted Power Take Off Types 1,2 and 3
AIS-109Requirements of Coupling Device (Front) of Agricultural Tractor
Amd. 1 Draft Amd.2
Automotive Vehicles Temporary-Use Spare Wheel / Tyres and Run Flat Tyres
AIS-111Requirements of Attendant’s Seats of Agricultural Tractors
AIS-112Code of Practice for Construction & Approval of Agricultural Trailers
Amd. No. 1
Amd. No. 2
Amd. No. 3
Amd. No. 4
Code of Practice for Type Approval of Trailers / Semi-trailers of categories T2, T3 and T4 being towed by Motor Vehicles of categories N2 and N3
AIS-114Agricultural Tractors – Rear View Mirrors – Installation Requirements
AIS-115(Part 1)Driver – Perceived Noise Level of Agricultural Tractors – Method of Measurement
AIS-115(Part 2)Permissible Sound Level at Bystander of Agricultural Tractors – Method of Measurement
AIS-116Maximum Design Speed of Agricultural Tractors
AIS-117Statutory Plates and Inscriptions for Agricultural Tractors, their Location and Method of Attachment – Agricultural Tractor Identification Numbering System
Draft AIS-118/D3/April 2011Automotive Vehicles – Safety Glazing Materials for Motor Vehicles – Method of Test and Requirements
AIS-119Requirements for Sleeper Coaches
AIS-119 (Rev.1)
Amd. 1
Specific Constructional Requirements for Sleeper Coaches
Amd. 1
Automotive Vehicles-External Projections- Performance Requirements for M1 Vehicles
Draft AIS-121/D1/June 12, 2012Requirements of Driver’s Seat for Wheeled Agricultural or Forestry Tractors
Draft AIS-122/ D1/June 12, 2012Requirement of Operating Space, Access to the Driving Position and the Doors, and Windows of Wheeled Agricultural or Forestry Tractors
Amd. No. 1 Amd 1 to AIS 123(Part 1)
CMVR Type Approval of Vehicles Retrofitted with Hybrid Electric System
AIS-123(Part 2)CMVR Type Approval of Hybrid Electric System Intended for Retro-fitment on Vehicles of M and N Category having GVW > 3500 kg
AIS-123(Part 3)CMVR Type Approval of Electric Propulsion Kit Intended for Conversion of Vehicles for Pure Electric Operation
AIS-124Procedure for Type Approval and Certification of Motor Caravans for compliance to Central Motor Vehicles Rules
AIS-125(Part 1)
Amendment 1
Amd. No 2
Constructional and Functional Requirements for Road Ambulances
AIS-125(Part 2)Medical Equipment for Road Ambulances
Amd. 1
Two Wheeled Vehicles – Location, Identification and operation of Controls, Tell-tales and Indicators.
AIS-127Provisions Concerning the Approval of Adaptive Front- Lighting Systems (AFS) for Motor Vehicles
Amd. No. 1
Testing Procedure and Requirements for Headlamp Beam Testing and Brake Testing at Authorized Testing Stations using Headlight Tester and Roller Brake Tester
AIS-129End of Life of Vehicles
Amd. 1
Provisions concerning the approval of light emitting diode (LED) light sources for use in approved lamp units on power-driven vehicles and their trailers
AIS-131Type Approval Procedure for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles introduced in market for Pilot / Demonstration Projects intended for Government Scheme
Draft AIS-132/D10/May 2017Procedure for Approval of Vehicles produced or imported in Small Series, and Vehicles produced or imported under Pilot/Demonstration Projects
AIS-133Electronic Stability Control Systems
Amd. No. 1
Safety measures for Occupants of Three Wheeled Vehicles
AIS-135Fire Detection and Alarm System (FDAS) & Fire Detection and Suppression Systems (FDSS) for Buses of Type III (AIS-052)-Requirements
Amd. No.1
Construction Equipment Vehicles or Earth-moving Vehicles / Machinery- Product Identification Numbering system
Draft AIS-137 (Part 1)/D2/July2017Document on Test Method, Testing Equipment and Related Procedures for Testing Type Approval and Conformity of Production (COP) of Vehicles for Emission as per CMV Rules 115, 116 and 126
PART 1 (2-wheeler)
Draft AIS-137 (Part 2)/D1/July2017Document on Test Method, Testing Equipment and Related Procedures for Testing Type Approval and Conformity of Production (COP) of Vehicles for Emission as per CMV Rules 115, 116 and 126
PART 2 (3-wheeler)
Draft AIS-137 (Part 3) /D3/July 2017Document on Test Method, Testing Equipment and Related Procedures for Testing Type Approval and Conformity of Production (Cop) of Vehicles for Emission as per CMV Rules 115, 116 And 126 PART-3 BSVI Emission norms
Draft AIS-137 (Part 4)/D1/ May 2017Document on Test Method, Testing Equipment and Related Procedures for Testing Type Approval and Conformity of Production (COP) of Vehicles for Emission as per CMV Rules 115, 116 and 126 PART-4 BSVI EMISSION NORMS
Draft AIS-137 (Part 5)/D2/ July 2017Document on Test Method, Testing Equipment and Related Procedures for Testing Type Approval and Conformity of Production (COP) of Vehicles for Emission as per CMV Rules 115, 116 and 126
Draft AIS-137 (Part 6)/D2/July2017Document on Administrative Procedure for Type Approval and Conformity of Production for M and N Category Vehicles, Two and Three Wheelers and CEV/Tractors/Power tiller engines. As per CMV Rules 115, 116 And 126 PART-6 BSVI EMISSION NORMS
Draft AIS-137 (Part 8)/ D0/May 2017Document on Test Method, Testing Equipment and Related Procedures for 4 Gas Analyzer & Diesel Smoke Meter: Testing Type Approval and Conformity of Production (COP) of PUC Equipment as per CMV Rules 115, 116: PART 8 (4 Gas Analyzer & Diesel Smoke Meter)
AIS-138 (Part1)Electric Vehicle Conductive AC Charging System
AIS-138(Part 2)Electric vehicle conductive DC charging system
AIS-139Specific Requirements for Double Deck Buses
AIS-140Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) – Requirements for Public Transport Vehicle Operation
AIS-142/D2/Novem ber 2017Evaluation of Tyres With Regard to Rolling Sound Emissions and/or to Adhesion on Wet Surfaces and/or to Rolling Resistance
AIS-143Performance Requirements and Test Procedures of Braking Systems for Wheeled High-Speed Rubber Tracked Earth Moving Machines and all types of Construction Equipment Vehicles
AIS-144Performance Earth Moving Machinery-Rubber Tyred Machines-Steering Requirements
Draft AIS-145/DF1/5th Oct 2017Additional Safety features for Category M & N Vehicles
Draft AIS- 146/D0 Aug.2017Requirements applying to stands fitted in two wheeled motor vehicles
Draft AIS- 147/D0 Aug.2017External Projection requirements for Two Wheeled Motor Vehicles
Draft AIS-148/ D1/Jan 2018Automotive Vehicles – Requirements of Footrests for Two-wheeled Motor Vehicles
Draft AIS-149Conformity of Production (CoP) Procedure for verifying compliance to Fuel Efficiency Norms for Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles above 12.0 tonnes GVW
Draft AIS-150Automotive Vehicles – Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Vehicles of Categories M2, M3, N and T with regard to braking
Draft AIS-151Automotive Vehicles – Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Vehicles of Categories M1 and N1 with regard to braking
Draft AIS-152Automotive Vehicles – Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Vehicles of Categories M1, and N1 with regard to brake assist system
Draft AIS-153Uniform provisions for Bus construction (Based on UN Regulation 107)

AIR – Autorisierter Indischer Repräsentant

Alle indischen Zertifizierungen verlangen, dass ein AIR – Autorisierter Indischer Repräsentant als lokaler Vertreter den Antrag auf Zertifizierung einreicht, verwaltet und für Rückfragen zur Verfügung steht.

Zu den Aufgaben des AIR gehören im Allgemeinen:

Der AIR kann durch die eigene Niederlassung, durch einen Großhändler / Importeur, und in vielen Fällen auch vom Zertifizierungspartner gestellt werden. Für jede Zertifizierung unterscheiden sich die konkreten Anforderungen, insbesondere hinsichtlich technischer Qualifikationen, jedoch gewaltig.

Gegenüberstellung des AIR in den jeweiligen Zertifizierungen:

ZertifizierungAnforderungen an AIR
AIS (Automotive)Kann vom Zertifizierungspartner gestellt werden.Eigene Niederlassungen oder Händler müssen entsprechende technische Qualifikationen, Prüfungsfähigkeiten, und Trainings vom Hersteller nachweisen.
BIS (Elektronik und Haushaltswaren)Kann problemlos vom Zertifizierungspartner gestellt werden, da nur Dokumentenpflichten.
TEC (Telekommunikations-Equipment)Kann vom Zertifizierungspartner gestellt werden.Eigene Niederlassungen oder Händler müssen entsprechende technische Qualifikationen, Prüfungsfähigkeiten, und Training vom Hersteller nachweisen.
WPC (Drahtlose Geräte)Kann problemlos vom Zertifizierungspartner gestellt werden, da nur Dokumentenpflichten.
PESO (Explosionsgeschützte Produkte)Kann nur von technisch qualifizierten, den Testanforderungen entsprechend ausgestatteten und vom Hersteller nachweislich eingewiesenen Händlern und / oder Niederlassungen gestellt werden.
CDSCO (medizinische Produkte)Kann nur von technisch qualifizierten, den Testanforderungen entsprechend ausgestatteten und vom Hersteller nachweislich eingewiesenen Händlern und / oder Niederlassungen gestellt werden.Kann verpflichtet werden, vor der Behörde zwecks Produktpräsentation zusammen mit Produzenten vorstellig zu werden.

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